Resolved public static function to return datatable? - public invalid


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2015
Programming Experience
I'm trying to make a function to carry out SQL queries in my own libray but I can't figure out how to return the query result. Declaring the function "public static DataTable MyQuery(string sql) gives the error "public not valid". So I have to figure out how to get the data back to the caller in some other form that they can use. This could be a single value or multiple values in multiple rows so I am at a complete loss in how to proceed. Anyone have any ideas other than doing queries separately in several different forms?
Are you sure you put that code on a class? Show us the code where you are attempting to do this.

Your code should looks something like:
class Utility
    public static DataTable LoadData(string query)
        // Your code to perform query here
As an aside, most modern code doesn't use DataTable and DataSet anymore. People have moved on to using LINQ with Entity Framework or some other ORM.
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