Question Reading Blender Files (.dae) in C#


New member
Nov 13, 2022
Programming Experience
I'm in the process of trying to make a certain program that can read each objects data such as: Scale, Position, etc and then output that information to the console, I have no idea where to even start.
You would need to understand the format of Blender files, so that you can write code to read that format. If there's a library available that already does that, using that may be your best bet. Otherwise, the first step would be opening a file in a text editor and see what it looks like. If the whole thing is text then your job will be easier. If it's binary then working out what's what by trial and error will be quite difficult.
You would need to understand the format of Blender files, so that you can write code to read that format. If there's a library available that already does that, using that may be your best bet. Otherwise, the first step would be opening a file in a text editor and see what it looks like. If the whole thing is text then your job will be easier. If it's binary then working out what's what by trial and error will be quite difficult.
If i go through with the notepad option (seems to work and is understandable) how could I read data of it in my code? I'll look online whilst I await your reply
If it's all text then you would, in general terms, read it like any other text file. The details would depend on the specifics of the file format but the first option is to use a StreamReader to read it piece by piece. You'll have to take into account what parts are mandatory and what parts are optional.
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