Release mouse and object will move to nearest point


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Programming Experience
Hey guys...Im creating a board game and atm I can drag/drop the letters on tiles(on the board)...but what I want to know is how if i drop the letter on the tile, how can i get the letter to automatically position itself in the center of the tile (onthe board). So i can drop it anywher inside the tile and it will appear to drag itself into the center.

Is this done using rectangles for each tile, then find the center point of each rectangle and if the letter is dropped inside this particular tile then move it to the center.

I think i understanf the logic could anyone give me a startup on it or even point me in the direction of a tutorial ot two that uses this?

Thanks again
Update position of object to center of rect

Hi Guys.....At the min i'm making a 2d board game, and the players can drag and drop images on the screen...However iv stored the position of a rect, and when a letter is dropped inside this rect I would like it to update its position to the center of the tile...please have a look...thanks

in my centerLetterOnTile() method...If you take a look you will see I think I am nearly there...however
instead of saying eLetter = new Rectangle(50,50, 50, 50);

I need it to say something like eLetter = new Rectangle(clickablePlayer.Position.X, clickablePlayer.Position.Y, 50, 50);

as my clickablePlayer will be the texture which is being dragged around the screen(i.e the letter)
but when i try this I get an error the bestover load method for eLetter(int int int int) has invalid arguments).....Iv'e included my clickablePlayer class to see if it is any help...
Thanks in advance for any help...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace Scrabble
    public enum ObjectClickedState

    public abstract class ClickableGameplayObject : GameplayObject
        public static bool OnLeaveTest=false;
        public static bool OnLeaveTestRect = false;
        ClickablePlayer clickablePlayer;
        //int resize = 12;
       // public Vector2 resize//used for hud
       // {
        //    get;
        //    protected set;
       // }
        Vector2 resize = new Vector2(15, 15);
        Point resize1 = new Point(15, 15);

        //declaring point and rect
        Point p1;
        Rectangle eTile, eLetter;

        public ObjectClickedState LeftState
            protected set;

        public ObjectClickedState RightState
            protected set;

        public Mouse ActiveMouse
            protected set;

        public ClickableGameplayObject()
            : base()
            LeftState = RightState = ObjectClickedState.Normal;

        //testing lines to see if onleace works
        public virtual void OnLeftClick()
            OnLeaveTest = false;

        public virtual void OnHeldLeftClick() { }
        public virtual void OnLeftRelease()
           // OnLeaveTest = true;

        public virtual void OnLeftNormal() { }
        public virtual void OnRightClick() { }
        public virtual void OnHeldRightClick() { }
        public virtual void OnRightRelease() { }
        public virtual void OnRightNormal() { }

        public virtual void OnHover() { }

        public virtual void OnLeave()
       // public override void OnLeave()
        {//now add code to //check game board position.
            OnLeaveTest = true;

        public Rectangle TestLetterDropRect

        private void centerLetterOnTile()
                eTile = new Rectangle(651, 372, 50, 50);
                p1 = eTile.Location;
                //eLetter = new Rectangle(clickablePlayer.Position.X, clickablePlayer.Position.Y, 50, 50);

                //eLetter = new Rectangle(eTile.X, eTile.Y, 50, 50);
                eLetter = new Rectangle(50,50, 50, 50);

                if (eTile.Contains(eLetter) && OnLeaveTest == true)
                    eLetter.Location = eTile.Location;
                    OnLeaveTestRect = false;

            //this code is commented out as i was trying to do it a different way, as eLetter is going to be the clickablePlayer
            //but when i tried this code the line //clickablePlayer.Position = new Vector2(100, 100); was getting a null for clickablePlayer

               /* //this is the current x and y on mouse position
                Level.x = Level.currentState.X;
                Level.y = Level.currentState.Y;

                TestLetterDropRect = new Rectangle(651, 372, 50, 50);
                //if rect contains mouse pointer(draggin lette) and mouse releases letter and moves outside the letter...the letter should move to the center of tile rect
                if (!TestLetterDropRect.Contains(Level.x, Level.y) && OnLeaveTest == true)
                    OnLeaveTestRect = true;
                    //letter new position = rectangle /2
                    //resize is an int of size 12.
                    //clickablePlayer.Position = new Vector2(100, 100);
                    //clickablePlayer.Position = TestLetterDropRect.Y + resize;                



        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Mouse activeMouse)


            bool intersect = activeMouse.Rectangle.Intersects(Rectangle);

            if (intersect || (ActiveMouse != null &&
                (LeftState != ObjectClickedState.Normal || RightState != ObjectClickedState.Normal)))
                ActiveMouse = activeMouse;
                ActiveMouse.ClickedObject = this;
                if (intersect) OnHover();

                if (ActiveMouse.LeftClick && (LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Normal
                    || LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Released))
                    LeftState = ObjectClickedState.Clicked;
                else if (ActiveMouse.LeftClick && LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Clicked)
                else if (ActiveMouse.LeftRelease && LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Clicked)
                    LeftState = ObjectClickedState.Released;
                else if (!ActiveMouse.LeftClick && LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Released)
                    LeftState = ObjectClickedState.Normal;

                if (ActiveMouse.RightClick && (RightState == ObjectClickedState.Normal
                    || RightState == ObjectClickedState.Released))
                    RightState = ObjectClickedState.Clicked;
                else if (ActiveMouse.RightClick && LeftState == ObjectClickedState.Clicked)
                else if (ActiveMouse.RightRelease && RightState == ObjectClickedState.Clicked)
                    RightState = ObjectClickedState.Released;
                else if (!ActiveMouse.RightClick && RightState == ObjectClickedState.Released)
                    RightState = ObjectClickedState.Normal;

                //removes the mouse influence over the object do the folowing...(calls on leave)
                if (ActiveMouse != null)
                    ActiveMouse.ClickedObject = null;
                    ActiveMouse = null;



        protected abstract void UpdateGameplayObject(GameTime gameTime);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

namespace Scrabble
    public class ClickablePlayer : ClickableGameplayObject
        Random random;
        public Texture2D ClickedTexture

        Texture2D saved;

        public ClickablePlayer(Texture2D texture)
            : base()
            Alpha = 0.5f;
            random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds);
            Texture = texture;

        public override void OnHover()

            //Alpha = 1.0f;

            // Rotation += 0.01f;

        public override void OnLeave()

            Alpha = 0.5f;

        public override void OnLeftClick()

            Position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(ActiveMouse.Position.X, ActiveMouse.Position.Y);

        public override void OnHeldLeftClick()

            Position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(ActiveMouse.Position.X, ActiveMouse.Position.Y);

        protected override void UpdateGameplayObject(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime)

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