When I click the view button it executes the Powershell code successfully and displays the results in 3 different textboxes. This is working as should.
But I need to run this with another user credential and this should happen when I click the command button.
We are not going to get access to that remote computer with our current user and password.. I need a workaround for this.
1. I do not want a prompt for entering the user name and password.
2. I want this to be transparent.
I have looked and try solutions from other sites but these where for running in Powershell and not in Visual Studio C# Winforms.
Any assistance is appreciated.
But I need to run this with another user credential and this should happen when I click the command button.
We are not going to get access to that remote computer with our current user and password.. I need a workaround for this.
1. I do not want a prompt for entering the user name and password.
2. I want this to be transparent.
I have looked and try solutions from other sites but these where for running in Powershell and not in Visual Studio C# Winforms.
Any assistance is appreciated.
//string Test = textBoxScript.Text;
//Returns all the Process running
txtTaskList.Text = RunScript("Get-Process -ComputerName pcname | Where-Object {$_.responding -eq $True} | Format-Table -AutoSize ProcessName, Responding, CPU");
//Returns all Process that are not running
txtTaskNotResponding.Text = RunScript("Get-Process -ComputerName pcname | Where-Object {$_.responding -eq $false} | Format-Table -AutoSize ProcessName, Responding, CPU | Sort-Object ProcessName -Descending");
//Returns the Eventlog in application log with errors
txtEventLogError.Text = RunScript("Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname= 'Windows PowerShell'} -MaxEvents 100 -ComputerName pcname | Where-Object LevelDisplayName -Like 'Information' | Sort-Object TIMECREATED -Descending");
catch (Exception error)
txtTaskList.Text += String.Format("\r\nError in script : {0}\r\n", error.Message);
txtTaskNotResponding.Text += String.Format("\r\nError in script : {0}\r\n", error.Message);
txtEventLogError.Text += String.Format("\r\nError in script : {0}\r\n", error.Message);