Answered special keyboard and character shortcuts


Sep 19, 2020
Programming Experience
Here I am starting to program and it is a hassle to type certain characters on my keyboard I have to search and find nothing. I can not always copy paste these characters. I have a qwerty keyboard.

|| . > < and { }


There is nothing you can do but change the localisation settings on the Windows control panel for your keyboard, and or use a compatible UK keyboard.
Or go old school like back in the WordPerfect days where people would have paper overlays on their keyboard which indicated what particular keys and key combinations did.

Despite the advice given about not using stickers on a keyboard while learning Dvorak, I put stickers on mine to learn the new mappings. Perhaps you could put stickers on your keyboard to mark which AltGr key combinations map to those characters?
Sounds awfully convoluted and awkward. I really don't understand why people don't just use the English settings and an english made kb...

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