validation and make outputs a double

What problems are you currently running into? What behavior are you seeing? What behavior were you expecting to see? What have you done to try to fix the issues?
this is the project I do not know if the validation is wrong but i keep getting errors when i want to change everything to double and i do not know how to fix the validation and add the loops for validation and looping the program
i want the program to keep running until the user wants to exit and for validation i dont want extreme values to be allowed and invalid inputs if you get one of those there should be a message and it should loop back to the question
can anyone help with validation and loops

i need to validate user inputs and make a loop for them so that the program continues to run until a right input has been typed and also add a loop so it goes back to the start of the program

and runs everything over and over again
If you would like our help then I suggest that you stop doing as little as possible and leaving as much as possible to us. You need to provide us with ALL the information relevant to the issue you're having and as little irrelevant information as possible. That means being specific about what you're trying to achieve, how you're trying to achieve it and what happens when you try.

What you're trying to achieve can be couched in the broader purpose of your app but you need to be specific about the functionality that you're having trouble with. How you're trying to achieve it requires a verbal description and also the specific code that is currently at issue and that posted directly in the thread and formatted appropriately. It does not mean providing a link to every line of code at an external site that we have to first download and then trawl through to find the part that might be a problem before we can even think about solving the problem. What happens when you try requires a verbal description of the exact behaviour you're seeing, where in the code it occurs and exactly how that differs from your expectation. That also means providing specific error message, not just telling us that errors occur.
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