Question Value cannot be null


New member
Feb 3, 2017
Programming Experience
Good afternoon.

I'm very beginner

After migrating from mysql 5.1 to mysql 5.7 my tool that transfers data from one database to another has stopped working.

It generates this error in the log.

Date: 02/02/2017 00:04:40
Message: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
Source: mscorlib
StackTrace: at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at IntegracaoGhost.Service.ImportIcab.AccessXML.loadXml(String xml)
at IntegracaoGhost.Service.ImportIcab.AccessXML..ctor(String xml)
at IntegracaoGhost.Service.ImportIcab.Task.InsertCliente()
at IntegracaoGhost.Service.ImportIcab.Task.Insert()
at IntegracaoGhost.Service.ImportIcab.Task..ctor()
TargetSite: Void .ctor(System.String)

Follows the code

using CGP.Library.DataAccesLayer;

namespace IntegracaoGhost.IcabModel
public class Context : ContextBase
internal ConnectionInfo IcabConnectionInfo => GetConnectionInfo(Provider.MySql);

public string Name { get; set; }

static Context _instanc = null;
public static Context Instanc
if (_instanc == null)
_instanc = new Context();


return _instanc;

_instanc = value;
//_instanc = null;

Companies _company = null;
public Companies Company => _company ?? (_company = new Companies());

Drivers _driver = null;
public Drivers Driver => _driver ?? (_driver = new Drivers());

Vehicles _vehicle = null;
public Vehicles Vehicle => _vehicle ?? (_vehicle = new Vehicles());

Customers _customer = null;
public Customers Customer => _customer ?? (_customer = new Customers());

CustomerPasswords _customerPassword = null;
public CustomerPasswords CustomerPassword => _customerPassword ?? (_customerPassword = new CustomerPasswords());

LoyaltyCards _loyaltyCard = null;
public LoyaltyCards LoyaltyCard => _loyaltyCard ?? (_loyaltyCard = new LoyaltyCards());

Capabilities _capabilities = null;
public Capabilities Capabilities => _capabilities ?? (_capabilities = new Capabilities());

When I open the visual studio with mysql 5.1 installed it opens the references of the code, now with the mysql 5.7 it of the problem in that module

someone help me ?

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