Visual Studio Problem


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2023
Programming Experience
I was recently working on a project in Visual Studio when I must have hit the wrong button and Visual Studio launched something called Live Code Analysis. Things got completely locked up. I could not stop it. The debugging menu got grayed out. It showed No Solutions and No Projects.

I could not find a way to shut it off. So I closed down Visual Studio and that shut it off.

Was wondering if there is a way inside Visual Studio to shut that off or disable it.
If you disable code analysis, then you don't get Intellisense. Intellisense is a form of live code analysis. Many developers wrote millions and millions of lines of code before there was Intellisense and seem to have managed quite well. You could turn off all live analysis if you wish:

Anyway, there is also more documentation in VS that can point you the right direction:
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