Question What am I doing wrong with StateHasChanged


New member
Jan 10, 2025
Programming Experience

I am gearing up for a project now in Proof of Concept stage. My specific issue is I have a component. It is simply a box. It is three deep from page so Page -> Major Component -> The Status Box in question. This is going to be a monitoring app. So - little to no user interaction. Changes come from the outside. (Like a fantasy football scoreboard.) UI change needs to occur based on events outside the application - identified by non-UI server side code.

My current task is simply to get the component to work. So I have put a button on the page component - and I kick the code from there. What I want to change is simply the css style background-color. The color is contained in a bind variable. After I change the color - I call StatusHasChanged(). The code seems to be working. I can breakpoint on the property get and observe is is executed after the button is pushed. Further - I can breakpoint on the StatusHasChanged and observe the color has indeed changed - as I expected. But the color never makes it to the UI. The background color of the box on the web client never changes.

Note - this is razor - not blazor. What I want to accomplish is very simple. I simply want the color of the box to change.

My .razor is:
@inherits ForkStatusBoxBase

    .box {
        width: 25px;
        height: 25px;
        vertical-align: middle;
        background-color: @BackgroundColor;
        border: 2px solid black;
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 5px;

<div class="box" @bind="BackgroundColor" />

My .razor.cs code behind is
public class ForkStatusBoxBase : ComponentBase
    string backgroundColor = "lightblue";

    public string BackgroundColor
        get { return backgroundColor; }
        set { backgroundColor = value; }

    public void GrantedFork()

        backgroundColor = "green";


Any help would be appreciated.
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I guess I'm learning something new. I didn't know that changing a backend value in Razor would cause the web client to re-download and re-render the web page. I always thought that was a Blazor thing rather than a Razor thing.

Have you watched the network traffic to see if the web browser gets an update from the server? Does the updated HTML have the new values?
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