Question What is the best ORM for dot net core 3.0 or above?


New member
Mar 12, 2021
Programming Experience
I am using Dapper. Is any other best option rather than Dapper?. Please confirm.
Is there an y particular issue you're having with Dapper? What's "best" is rarely objective so if there's no particular issue you're trying to resolve, there's probably no reason to change.

Personally, I've never used Dapper but I've used Entity Framework for a long time and have no issues with the current iteration of EF Core.
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On the spectrum of state management Dapper is more on the direct/not managed side. You create a connection, you open it, and you give dapper a query to execute and convert into the given type.
Entity Framework on the other hand is in the middle of the spectrum, you create a DbContext that is tracking changes. Queries are generated by the library and it's providing you with IQueryables that you can use to get the object you want from the database.
On the other side of the spectrum is e.g. this Library doesn't even have a DbContext any more, changes are tracked in the ether and the library manages that you don't do the same queries multiple times in a row and reuse the result of queries in multiple places.
Of course there are many other libraries out there which finds themself on this spectrum somewhere, which one is the best depends on what you want to achive.
Interesting that NHibernate, one of the first ORMs for the .NET Framework, was not mentioned on the list above.
I hope you are only looking at .NET 6 and .NET 7. Recall that .NET Core 3.x, .NET 4, and .NET 5 are all out of support by Microsoft.
I hope you are only looking at .NET 6 and .NET 7. Recall that .NET Core 3.x, .NET 4, and .NET 5 are all out of support by Microsoft.

I believe that .NET Framework 4.7.2 and 4.8.x are still supported, but not for much longer. Less than a year, if I'm not mistaken.
SQLplusNET sounds more like a ROM (Relational Object Mapper) rather than an ORM (Object Relational Mapper). My five minute scan of their website makes me feel like it just talks with POCOs, and DTOs, rather than real domain objects. I did not see any evidence/examples of how it deals with object relationships and object graphs.
I did not see any evidence/examples of how it deals with object relationships and object graphs.

I thought I saw your typical

class Entity{
  OtherEntity Parent {get;set;}
  ICollection<OtherOtherEntity> BlahChildren{get;set;}

somewhere while I was reading...
Got a link?
Now I browsed all the linked stuff again I think I was misremembering the from Ausm's ObjectStore github page rather than sqlplus..
With at least two eyes having looked at it, then sounding like it's not even a ROM. More like a SQL to C# adapter generator. I remember back in the day that there were 4GL to 3GL code generators. This sounds like one of those.

Granted, this entire thing has made me curious and want to dig in a bit deeper. So despite my loathing of SQL, I may just write some SQL and give this framework a try to see what all that fuss is about. Maybe entirely what @Vincent 's post was all about: to get people to look at it and get web traffic.
It was what prompted me to ask about affiliation; someone registers purely to promote a product on an ancient thread- it's got a strong smell to it
And his picture also shows up on the website's testimonials.
Looks like Vincent has now been banned as a spammer when he tried to hide that he had only one post by doing a bunch of necro-posts in response to various other database topics, but couldn't help himself by promoting his product again in some of those necro posts.

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