What is the best way to perform several api requests?


New member
Jun 28, 2023
Programming Experience
Hello developers.

I would like to understand how you would solve the problem below:

An application that makes a large number of requests to an external API, this external API in recent days has been showing several request errors, so I needed to set up a structure that keeps trying several times to get it right (maximum of 5 attempts).
I believe that this is not the best way, and the request errors happen because I am sending the requests without having an interval.
What is the best practice for creating an API request framework that needs to send multiple requests to an endpoint without overwhelming it?
And if you do decide to use Hangfire, for the love of God make sure you are running on your own server instead of a web farm or web garden where multiple web apps share a single server.
Insert a delay that means you're respecting the rate limits of the remote end

If you use HangFire to trigger your fetches, take a look at Concurrency & Rate Limiting — Hangfire Documentation

I'm using a structure like this :

while (numberOfTentatives < _maxTentatives) // 5 attempts
                response = client.Get<Table_Price[]>(request);
                return response;
            catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                if (ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    token = $"Bearer {GetToken(_authRequest)}";
                lastExpection = ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                lastExpection = ex;
                timeOut += 100;
Well designed REST APIs will return a value in the response header telling you how long you should wait before trying again.
Hello this is Gulshan Negi
Well, in C#, there are two primary methods for performing multiple API requests:
1. Sequential API calls: Multiple API requests can be made easily in this manner. In order, each request is made one after the other. If you need to make a lot of API requests, this is the most reliable method, but it can be slow.
2. Parallel API calls: Multiple API requests can be made more quickly this way. In parallel, each request is made simultaneously. This can be a lot quicker than successive Programming interface calls, yet it is more complicated to execute.
@gulshan212 : And how does that address the heart of the OP's issue where he is trying to handle the error condition of retrying an API request?
There's some info missing, for example are the requests being made concurrently or serially? This will make a difference to the possible approach on solving the problem.

If the requests are made serially, I would simply suggest waiting for a period of time using exponential backoff if an error occurs. If on the other hand you're making the requests concurrently as part of a service or something like that, I'd have a look at Polly.

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