What is the proper way to declare a Microsoft class to use in my code. The quick and dirty way I am doing it here, I know, is not correct


Active member
Oct 24, 2012
Programming Experience
What is the proper way to declare a Microsoft class to use in my code. The quick and dirty way I am doing it here, I know, is not correct

> Microsoft SharePoint.Client.List newList = null;

I think it is something like this

> Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List newList = new Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List();

Basically, the warning message I am getting makes me uncomfortable:

It's because you are trying to use "new" C# that has nullable checks with a library that was originally written for "old" C# where all reference types could potentially be null.

So with new C# you would write:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List? newList1 = null;
where as old C# would just let you get away with:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List newList1 = null;

In general, in C# you don't need to pre-assign null to variables like you would in C++. In C#, reference types default to null, and value types default to their "zero" value.
It's because you are trying to use "new" C# that has nullable checks with a library that was originally written for "old" C# where all reference types could potentially be null.

So with new C# you would write:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List? newList1 = null;
where as old C# would just let you get away with:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List newList1 = null;

In general, in C# you don't need to pre-assign null to variables like you would in C++. In C#, reference types default to null, and value types default to their "zero" value.
Thank you for your response !!
I will do that '?' thing you suggested.

Update, the squiggly line under the null reference went away which tells me your suggestion was spot on accurate.

Thanks again !!

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