What project are you working on now???

We usually do ASP.NET Core stuff in my office but we just did a WordPress web site for the NSW Deaf Society. It wasn't as awful as I thought it was going to be and I learned a few new things so that's not too bad.
I've been horribly busy setting up infrastructure for corporately partnered customers. (Not sure if "been horribly busy" is a good or bad complaint.) Anyway, I am also working on my own notification system for desktop and mobile notifications. Here's a glance of what its like :


Fully transparent, rounded corners adjustable in the options, fade and slide options, tool tip on/off options, optional choice accept/deny buttons, click to copy body message can be disabled in DLL options, and I plan to distribute it. The reason i made it was because the Microsoft version is so complicated, and I wanted to simplify it by building my own to replace the hassle of following their idology to assembling your own notification system with their instructions. This week, I will also be working on some ASP.Net for the same customer above, and I too will enjoy it, as my task isn't straight forward and also requires some cross platform bridging. Basically there will be some learning involved, which is always exciting. I invite a good challenge.
Full-time developing customizations and business processes for an ERP customer. Have shipped 70ish projects for this customer since november last year, and it's still chugging along...
Enterprise resource planning apps are a lot of fun to build and play with. I think I've mentioned further up, that I am also in the process of building my own too. I've had to put it on the long finger due to other work loads.
Ironic that my company's home grown ERP is giving an error 500 today when we are required to update our timesheets. What's even worse is that when we asked management if someone was actually reading the data entered, they said that they aren't currently using the data, but someday hope to use it for forecasting. SMH.
I am new to this forum.
I am currently working on a project that involes a Xamarin.Forms-app, azure-backend with a blazor-front.
Very interesting to build a blazor-front.
I built the base of a CMS a few days ago. Last night I irrecoverably removed the project using some Git commands and obviously being tired, I wiped it. I have it all in my head where everything was, and how to rebuild it. But I'm kicking myself for not syncing the source to source-control first; before doing anything with the project directory. Lesson learned, (twice) in a month. Yes, I done something similar with a cloud based app I built a few weeks ago, which was completely lost.

That's what i will be doing over the next few weeks. I've also started playing with Lexer for making a new language. All of which are personal projects...

What are you all working on. Any new upcoming projects you got planned?

Btw, welcome to the website @SinisterAlex - sounds likes a fun project.
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