Question Windows right click Menu

This isn't necessarily a C# question or even a programming question. It's something that can be done manually in Windows:

You can, of course, write C# code to modify the Registry or have your app's installer do it.
That's what the '*' key in Classes key is for. To work with registry in C# see here: Microsoft.Win32 Namespace (in .Net Core add the Microsoft.Win32.Registry nuget package)
Note, HKCR is a merged view of the Software\Classes key from HKCU and HKLM, for writing to registry you should probably target HKCU.
This isn't necessarily a C# question or even a programming question. It's something that can be done manually in Windows:

You can, of course, write C# code to modify the Registry or have your app's installer do it.
wanted to run my application when user will right click any file using c#
Examples adding/removing the keys and values, the text shown in context menu is "My App".
public static void AddRegistry()
    using (RegistryKey my_app = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"software\classes\*\shell\My App"),
                       command = my_app.CreateSubKey("command"))
        my_app.SetValue("Extended", string.Empty); //only show in menu when Shift key is held
        var path = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
        command.SetValue(string.Empty, $"{path} \"%1\"");

public static void RemoveRegistry()
    Registry.CurrentUser.DeleteSubKeyTree(@"software\classes\*\shell\My App", false);
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