how to export data into an spss file in .net?


New member
Jan 18, 2022
Programming Experience
i would like to export some datas in a file in a web service. i used this package it exports datas as i defined in the code below :
spsslib package 's code to export data in spss:
 var variables = new List<Variable>
    new Variable
        Label = "Nombre de questionnaires envoyés",
        ValueLabels = new Dictionary<double, string>
                    {1, "Label for 1"},
                    {2, "Label for 2"},
        Name = "Nombre de questionnaires envoyés",
        PrintFormat = new OutputFormat(FormatType.F, 8, 2),
        WriteFormat = new OutputFormat(FormatType.F, 8, 2),
        Type = SpssLib.SpssDataset.DataType.Numeric,
        Width = 10,
        MissingValueType = MissingValueType.NoMissingValues
    new Variable
        Label = "Nombre de réponses",
        ValueLabels = new Dictionary<double, string>
                        {1, "this is 1"},
                        {2, "this is 2"},
        Name = "Nombre de réponses",
        PrintFormat = new OutputFormat(FormatType.F, 8, 2),
        WriteFormat = new OutputFormat(FormatType.F, 8, 2),
        Type = SpssLib.SpssDataset.DataType.Numeric,
        Width = 10,
        MissingValueType = MissingValueType.OneDiscreteMissingValue
            // Set the one special missing value
            variables[1].MissingValues[0] = 999;

            // Default options
            var options = new SpssOptions();
            var listAnswers = await new Api.Survey.Models.Data.Services.SurveyReplyService(_context).getSurveyReplyBySurveyId(surveyId);
            var survey=await _context.Survey.FindAsync(surveyId);
            var surveytargetItems = await new Api.Survey.Models.Data.Services.SurveyTargetItemsService(_context).checkAllSurveyTargetItems(surveyId);
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("data.spss", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

               // options.HeaderEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                options.DataEncoding= Encoding.UTF8;
                using (var writer = new SpssWriter(fileStream, variables, options))
                        // Create and write records
                        var newRecord = writer.CreateRecord();
                        newRecord[0] = Convert.ToDouble(surveytargetItems);
                        newRecord[1] = Convert.ToDouble(listAnswers);
                        newRecord = writer.CreateRecord();
                        newRecord[0] = null;
                        newRecord[1] = 200d;
but when i open spss file some characters appears, and i would like to make them disappears. here is a capture of the spss file content i generated

Capture d’écran 2022-01-18 à 22.19.44.png

as you see there is some characters i would like to remove, how can i do it? or is there any other method or package to use which is more effective than this one?
Last edited:
What text editor are you using to open the file to get that screenshot? Is it UTF-8 aware/compliant?
Based on this:
Structure: SAV is a text file supporting multiple encoding standards, such as ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode, indicated by the first three bytes of the file. Its content can be divided into multiple identifiable parts.

Try using Unicode encoding instead of UTF-8.

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