
  1. SaeedP

    Resolved Problem with adding favicon to blazor server

    Hello, I want to insert a link for the site favicon in the layout. C HTML, my link is: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="wwwroot/favicon.ico"> but I get this error: But as you can see my favicon is in the wwwroot folder: Do you think what is wrong? regards, Saeed
  2. ahmedaziz

    Question How to force user to open my web application with login access ?

    I work on blazor server side . I face issue I can't make user redirect to login page when user try to access web application by copy and past URL of my application on new browser page my scenario as below : 1-I open my web application as . 2-it open login page as first page...
  3. R

    Weird behavior SaveChangesAsync

    Hello guys, I have this Blazor Server application. I am adding (OnSubmit) records by selecting the game, quantity, and description. The problem is when I add records one after another by clicking the purchase button, the previously added record gets the value of the last added record as you can...
  4. ahmedaziz

    Issue threading when run login identity on blazor server ?

    I working on blazor server . i get issue evaluation function required all threads to run i get this error when login on var resultIdentity = await signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(UserName, "xxxxx", false, false) it stop on this line and hang and stuck on debugging so what is issue and how...
  5. R

    Question Bulk Insert Problem - inserting excel data

    Hi there, In my Blazor Server application, I am trying to insert excel data into a SQL database table. I am getting this error, but couldn't figure out why. Here is the sample excel, I am trying to bulk insert. Here is the table; CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RazerReconciliation]( [PID]...
  6. R

    Question How would you compare an excel with data in the database table?

    Hello friends, I am working on a Blazor Server application. I would like to upload an excel file, consisting of a couple of columns. (ReferenceId-guid, Order Date-datetime, Product Code-string, and Product Description-string) This excel file roughly has 200000 rows of data. I am gonna use...
  7. R

    Resolved IText Empty PDF

    Hello, I am working on a Blazor Server application. I am trying to create and download PDFs as follows. PDF opens in a new browser tab but unfortunately, it is empty. What is wrong with my code? Could you please help? private async Task ReportPDF() { var memoryStream = new...
  8. RajeshKumar

    Resolved How to use RadzenRequiredValidator to validate a RadzenDropDown?

    I have one ParentComponent and one ChildComponent. The ChildComponent contain RadzenDropDown is not validating when click on submit button from ParentComponent . ParentComponent.razor: <RadzenTemplateForm TItem="ProductModel" Submit="OnValidSubmit" Data=@model> <DataAnnotationsValidator />...
  9. T

    Seeking .NET, Blazor Developer

    About Us: We are a US-based, fully-remote software development agency. We create custom software solutions for small and medium businesses. We don't micromanage or ask developers to be on call, we trust our team. We use email, Slack and phone or video calls to communicate, and Trello and GitHub...
  10. T

    Seeking Blazor Server Lead Developer

    About Us: We are TechRiver, a US-based, fully-remote software development agency. We create custom software solutions for small and medium businesses. We don't micromanage or ask developers to be on call, we trust our team. We use email, Slack and phone or video calls to communicate, and Trello...
  11. R

    Question Dynamic Tab with @key Problem

    Hello friends, I am working on a Blazor Server App, here is the sample data. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OrdersDetail] ON INSERT INTO [dbo].[OrdersDetail] ([Id], [ProductCode], [ProductName], [Quantity], [CostRatio], [UnitCost], [TotalBuyPrice], [TotalSellPrice], [ShippingNumber], [Status]...
  12. SaeedP

    Why I can't see my menu in Blazor?

    Hello, Why I can't see my menu in Blazor? Here is my code: mainLayot: @inherits LayoutComponentBase <PageTitle>BlazorApp1</PageTitle> <div class="page"> <div class="sidebar"> <saeedMenu /> @*<NavMenu/>*@ </div> <main> @*<div class="top-row px-4">...
  13. S

    Hi, is it possible to make a Blazor application frameless?

    I'm looking to build a toolbar application using Blazor and i was wondering if it would be possible to make the app frameless ( removing the minimize/maximize and close buttons). Can this be done or no? Thanks!
  14. SaeedP

    Resolved code section in blazor

    Hello, Can the code that is written in Blazor in the code section be written in the controller? Are the codes exactly the same? thanks,
  15. L

    How to lock TicTacToe matchfield after a player won?

    I am actually programming a tic tac toe game with the blazor framework and I have already a function to lock the button if it was clicked. It looks like this: public class ElementOfMatchField { public int Row { get; set; } public int Column { get; set; } public...
  16. L

    Resolved Blazor get html element using c# code

    I wanna build a Tic Tac Toe Blazor game. To print the fields I am using html buttons and a foreach loop: @if(MatchField != null) { @foreach(var field in MatchField) { <span> <button @onclick="() => PrintSymbolOnButton(field)" >...
  17. L

    Blazor Server Side Web Application with authorization?

    I have a Blazor Server Side Web Application that uses the default authorization and authentication. app.UseAuthentication() app.UseAuthorization() I can protect my pages with @attribute [Authorize] I have a login page with anonymous access to authenticate. This works fine. Now I need a...
  18. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    Hello, I've made my web app on Blazor server-side and I'm trying to publish it on a windows server. I tried different methods to publish but all came to the same conclusion. HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure Why am I having this problem? You can see the result on...
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