c sharp

  1. idontknowbro

    Question Why does my code Write to lines that aren't specified

    I have this code below which is Replace an integer by adding the integer in the file to the integer that the user has input during the console session. It does that fine. However, it seems to increment the other 3 lines, even though the code to do so is not there. Here is my code: using...
  2. U

    email calendar with image

    Hi, I am trying to send a calendar with image showing in the message body. When I tried to send one, it shows the message in text only. All the images and html are not displayed in the message body..Can anyone help me on this? Thanks! Note the msg.body contains html and images. string...
  3. J

    Delta X and Delta Y between two points?

    I have written some C# code that is suppose to show the ouput of 'Distance between points: 1.414 degrees' and 'Angle between points: -135.000'. But I keep getting the same output irregardless of the input i.e. if I enter any numbers at the prompt I still get: Distance between points...
  4. Z

    Question How to edit the Time of an analog clock by dragging it's handles

    Hi All, It's my first week working with C# the requirement is to edit the Time of an analog Clock by dragging it's handles I have code for a clock from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dtbGKSF1R8 , is this even possible ? if so can someone give me a clue please. I know I have to work...
  5. E

    (Austin, TX) Wanted: .NET / C# Developer with a heart of gold

    Wanna work with a bunch of a$$h0les? Neither do we. Good Character = Good Culture At Engagency, culture is the natural result of attracting good people. We believe that a good company culture depends as much on what you give, as what you get. It?s the character of each individual that defines...
  6. C

    Multiple connection strings

    I have a winforms application & depending on the user selection regarding SQL authentication there are 2 possible connection strings :- - using (var con = new SqlConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0}; database={1}; Integrated Security=True", Sql_ServerName, Sql_DataBaseName))) - using (var...
  7. Jonny123

    increment not working in an equation outside loop

    I am trying to get the program to display an average right of the ten questions i am asking, i dosn't seem to work properly. Random randomNumbers = new Random(); int number; int number_two; int i = 0; int answer = 0; int...
  8. N

    Question exact phrase search problem with Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1 DLL

    hi all I'm working on a asp.net web application to return the exact Google search results for a specific phrase (exact phrase). So I decided to try the Google search api. In particular, I'm using a dotnet application and Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1" DLL, but it doesn't return the exact same...
  9. N

    Question which class method executes now ?

    class BaseCls { public virtual void Show(int i) { Console.WriteLine(" BaseClsDisplay" + i); } } class childCls: BaseCls { public override void Show(int i) { System.Console.WriteLine("childClsDisplay" + i); } which class method executes now ? out childclsdisplay or...
  10. F

    Manual control of a PID controller

    Good day to all, Please i need your support on how to manually control the temperature of High Power Leds using PID controller. I have two GUIs,one reads the temperature from the Led while the second is used to ON/OFF the Leds and at the same time controls the Led brightness using slider...
  11. M

    Question Implement OCR

    Hi everyone, I am Mahendra and I have a question for you, I hope you can help me. I have a project in which I need to implement optical character recognition function for a camera. I was searching on the internet for a fine solution and I found some descriptions on this topic. Finally, I...
  12. J

    Increase and decrease font size in wp8 app

    Good day I will like to add a feature that will give users ability to increase and decrease the font size of my app The size should be from 1-5 or small, medium and big How can i implement this Reply soon and thank you in advance
  13. R

    DllImport - Method's Type signature is not PInvoke compatible

    I've been provided a C++ DLL that needs to be referenced in my C# project. The closest I've come to using that DLL yields an exception: "Method's Type signature is not PInvoke compatible." This is a simple DLL in that there is only a single method with a single input object and single...
  14. S

    Question Find Organisation Unit has Users has subnode in ActiveDirectory

    I need to find whether a OrganisationUnit has node Users. Below is a sample of ActiveDirectory. For example OU=AHSC is having sub node OU=Users Then i want to copy the Object Name of OU=Users which is something like this - OU=Users,OU=AHSC,DC=sf,DC=sp,DC=edu,DC=sg I want all OU which has...
  15. R

    Index outside bounds of array

    Im making a game and after the first run run when the user clicks new game I get index outside bounds of array. This is the the new game button code panel1.Controls.Clear(); int x = int.Parse(heightentered.Text); int y =...
  16. A

    Question Many To Many Relationship In Windows Form How I Represented It(Need Only Forms Nocode

    I make many to many relationship in erd diagram in sql server 2005 between ca and driver as following car table driver table car_driver table. I need to make fleet management program. When I make forms in windows form are i make car form driver form car_driver form When i insert data are...
  17. V

    Question Memory Leakage while using C# dll in Cpp

    Dear All, I have created a C-Sharp dll which parse rtf file and give me text of it using RichTextEdit. and I am using this dll in my MFC code using Interop. By when i call it repeatedly it produce memory leakage and memory of my application keeps on increasing constantly. I am not able...
  18. C

    Question image file locked????

    Hi!!! Somebody knows whats the problem???? If i remove OpenFileDialog and pass the string direct pathDiskCover = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\someImage.jpg"; it works fine. private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog...
  19. cognite

    Looking for .NET C# Developer

    We are looking for a strong experienced .NET C# Developer with 2+ years of experience and good communication skills. Who are we? Cognite is comprised of a team of highly skilled software and web development specialists. We are passionate about what we do and we have a track record to prove it...
  20. J

    how to create my onw CAD application

    Dear All, I need to create an application that clone an 2D AutoCAD drawing. The AutoACD drawing shows a floor plan with several boxes and by querying a database I “instruct” the AutoCAD to paint the boxes with several colors. Of course the AutoCAD drawing already have the boxes designed. For...
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