c# & wpf

  1. DanielBA

    WPF Tweening Rectangle not working

    I have made a custom wpf Control and I have been trying to create a method of Position Tweening to it. I have followed the Microsoft Docs explanations but to no avail. Can someone tell me why does this code don`t work? NameScope.SetNameScope(_Rectangle, new NameScope()); RectAnimation a = new...
  2. B

    How do I combine two signals on one XY plot?

    The .xaml code: <Grid Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"> <Canvas x:Name="gCanvasPlot0" Width="500" Height="150" ... /> </Grid> <Grid Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"> <Canvas x:Name="gCanvasPlot1" Width="500" Height="150" ... /> </Grid> The .cs code: //------------------------------ ...
  3. S

    I cann't find the error. The first two usercontrol view with combobox is ok, but not the last two.

    Hi, I'm doing my project and I have now in several hours looked at it but cann't finde the error. I have 2 views 1 view is normal mode, where there is a combobox where it should be updated when choosing the tabItem is chosen. 2. View is new (creating a new item). Here is also a combobox with...
  4. S

    Wpf Cann't get into the SelectionChanged event for at tabControl

    Hi I have the following TabControl with TabItems. I need to make som code when the Selection changes to another tab. First time I run the app I am going into the SelectionChanged. But then when choosing a new tab nothing happens at all. I want to go into the code each time, I hit the tabs. What...
  5. destro

    Resolved How can I notify source property about the changes made in Wpf DataGrid?

    I have a Datagrid bound to Datatable through Dependency property. I am unable to retrieve changes I make in datagrid even when I have set binding mode as two way. What are the best possible ways to update changes back to Source DataTable when dataGrid is edited? I know I can use...
  6. dj45-sys

    SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.

    Hey, Coders Programming my virtual assistant I have encountered this error - SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection. I have reviewed the solution in forums and I have found that I have to add this line of code gb.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"); I have...
  7. J

    MVVM ICommand explanation ...

    Hi, here is my short code in MS VS 2019 C# WPF - MVVM, can someone please explain me: 1/ where is pointed my code to after "return _SaveCommand;" which is placed to "public ICommand SaveCommand" property ? It is classic MVVM. 2/ And who is caller of "CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value;"...
  8. S

    Query to find a single object from a single row

    Hi, I have problems to find the correct syntax to get a single result of a single row. I get the row (categories) and I can see in this row there is a CategoryIsObsolete field (it is that value I want) But when making af FirstOrDefault query the Category result is null - and I do not know why...
  9. redexception

    Create a new window in WPF

    Hi, I've created a SQL Loginsystem (doesn't matter, but okay ^^). When someone clicks on the register function, a new window should appear. But how do I do that ? And how can I edit this window ? Would there appear another window.xaml? Greetings from the US.
  10. R

    Issue with DatePicker needed to be used twice with DataGrid.BeginEdit

    This is a WPF application, using a Data Grid with Date Picker. The goal is to click on the calendar, select a date, then the Data Grid goes in edit mode so as soon as I click on another cell, the Update is done on the database and the row is added on the grid, that part is working. But, when I...
  11. me123123123

    For loop: open window, wait until it is closed, then progress to the next step in the for loop

    I am working with RelayCommands and a MessageBus. I want to write a learning program. I have three windows: 1. Learning Tab -> Here I choose which List of Cards I want to learn and here I think I should write the for loop 2. Question -> The first question of the list of cards I gave to the for...
  12. A

    Question Naming and Saving Child Windows

    Hi, I am studying C#/WPF. I am trying to create child windows upon click event as follows private void NewWindow(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Window newWindow = new Window(); newWindow.Owner = this; newWindow.Title = "Window 1"...
  13. R

    Incorrect display of data

    I have a class that describes the level of subordination of departments: public class SeniorPosition : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private string managementPositionName; private string...
  14. destro

    Resolved How can I bind my objects horizontally using itemTemplate?

    I have an observablecollection of class type as follows: public ObservableCollection<selectedLevel> selectedLevels { get; set; } selectedLevels = new ObservableCollection<selectedLevel>(); public class selectedLevel { public string Level { get; set; } public...
  15. vlad.ua96

    Question Incorect ML Time Series forecasting with big values RRS feed

    Hey there) Was making very simple stock prediction app (Simple Colege Project). For feracast i used Microsoft ML Time Series Model. It worked good but i noticed when i make predictions for data with big values like 1700 or 3800 it makes very incorrect predictions. For instance if csv file has...
  16. destro

    Question How can I bind the property of class Object with a textblock?

    I have two classes in my script and an observable collection of secondary class type. The method in the main class adds several objects of Person class type in an observable collection defined and initialized in primary class as follows: public class PrimaryClass : BaseViewModel {...
  17. I

    Question clickonce Web Deployment

    Hi. I have build an application which I need to deploy via the web. I have uploaded the files to my smarter asp FTP but please could someone help me with running the setup and also updates. I can find the file path using a www web address on my website but it only downloads the setup file, and...
  18. L

    Resolved How to save cell value of a DataGrid directly when editing?

    Hello everyone I have a DataGrid in my WPF application. The cells must be edited. To save the cell value I have to press "Enter" or jump in another cell. Is there a way to save the value at the "CurrentCellChanged" event? Or can you define it directly in XAML? Thanks in advance.
  19. Dragon4ik

    Resolved Alghoritm of autocompleting puzzles

    I have a task to write a programm, which slice the image into the equal rectangle puzzles . Then the program must solve this puzzle without knowing the way it was sliced. I wrote the code, but it works time after time and i can't understand what problem is. Thank you in advance for any help...
  20. H

    Resolved Changing a sinngle number in a variabel name

    if(player == "X") { btn1.Content = "X"; player = "O"; } else { btn1.Content = "O"; player = "X"; } Is there a possibility to just change the 1 from btn1 into a 2? Because i need 9 buttons all doing the same. I would like to creat a method using this code but changing the number...
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