
  1. M

    Question Create CSV file for each folder

    I'm new to C# and I'm trying to figure out how to create one CSV per folder using data from a SQL database. I have several large SQL tables that are named by year(Ex. Claims_2001, Claims_2002, etc..). I will need to retrieve the data for 5 years from the database, create a folder for each...
  2. ahmedaziz

    Question How to use sql server integration service to transfer data from db2 database to sql server database ?

    I have two servers one server have sql server database and another server have db2 database I need to read data from db2 database on server A then after read it insert it into sql server database that exist on server B I use sql server 2017 so can you give me How to create ssis package to...
  3. naraomur

    504 Gateway Timeout: STRANGE!!! while server accepting the file into DB the response is not making it to the Client

    I have service that uploads and parses line by line into DataTable and records it via SQL bulk copy into the DB. Locally this service works fine with overall implementation in 20 secs and in LAN dev server takes a little longer in 46 secs. But when I run it on test server (the server for...
  4. D

    System.FormatException : 'Input string was not in a correct format.'

    Good evening, I get an error on this line : command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@chambreCat", Convert.ToInt32(cbAdminCat.Text)); I want to be able to convert my character string to INT otherwise I could not insert the value into the database if it is not an integer. Here is the code for my...
  5. SiamIT

    Question How To DEALLOCATE PREPARE Statement Using Mysql.Data Client?

    Greetings.. hope you guys are fine? OK.. i am using MySQL.Data client/library to access and use MySQL database. I was using happily it for sometimes on quite a few project. But suddenly facing a new issue that causing me hold on my current project. :( Because current project makes some (looks...
  6. Automation23

    How to handle null values in the database in c#

    Hello! I have a method that retrieves the first value of the first row in the first column from the database. Now I need to assert if it's a null value or not. In the database the value is NULL. Even if I assert is if it doesn't equal to null and then make it true. The code is passing. Here is...
  7. Automation23

    How to properly open SQL connection with a using statement and do basic data validation?

    Hello! I am new to database testing. I am doing mobile automation and I need to validate sent data in the database. I am trying to write a method that will open the db connection, do some implementation, and then close it. I need a method to return a value but I am stuck with it. So far I have...
  8. S

    Resolved Creating a seat reservation feature on windows forms.

    I'm making a coach booking system and I'm at the final stage where the user has to select a seat before inserting the data within a table. When the user selects one of the picture boxes it'll turn green, and that specific seat Id will be stored within the Booking table. If another customer...
  9. R

    Question retrieving information from sqlite database

    Hi i have a basic application that is used to display customer information from a sql database, i am using a datagridview to display the information, i also have a form that has texboxdes on it to enter customer information for adding to that database which currently works. what i need to do now...
  10. dv2020

    Winform Front end SQL/Query Builder for end user options

    Hi All, I'm currently exploring options to provide a front end user to query a database tables by selection which items/filters they want. I came across this product EasyQuery which looks promising. My initial though was simply to use a data grid/or traditional report and then have the user...
  11. jag250

    Resolved SQL Help using specific statements listed in forum

    USing theses Statements no Table SELECT SELECT FROM WHERE AND, OR, NOT, IN, LIKE GROUP BY HAVING (which also implies a join and a group by) MC/TF portion all multiple choice and True False 1. Show ship countries and a count of orders by Ship Country. Include orders placed in 1997 and...
  12. A

    Resolved when null flag updated and conflict flag updated on SQL query statement?

    I work on SQL server 2012 .really I don't understand what statement below do updatedand when when NullFlag updated and when conflict flag updated can you explain to me according to sample below <code> result of query data details rows without grouping : Masked_ID DocumentID PartID NULLCount...
  13. G

    Find count of certain elements in the dataset

    Hi, I have a database and a dataset in C# application. The dataset has the list of my friends with phone number, address and a id. This is for learning purposes. I need to find the count of certain elements , say for example the total count of all the friends with ID > 3. How can I do that?
  14. G

    Question Update using Table Adapter

    Hi, I have a sql server database with ID, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and Address. I have created a wpf application that has a dataset of the database and uses a datagrid view to view the table. I did this as a learning procedure. Now I am learning how to update the database using wpf...
  15. A

    Question How to add column column unitmeasure dynamically based on Flag Allow is 1?

    How to add column column unit dynamically when Flag Allow is 1 on table #nonparametric table ? I work on SQL server 2012 I can't add column unit dynamically when Flag Allow=1 as example below I have two rows have Flag Allow=1 family 90AM will be family 90 and family unit AM on two column...
  16. P

    How do I convert my SQL query to Entity Framework DBContext

    Hello All, I have one query which I wrote in SQL but now i want to convert it to EF and I am finding difficulty on understanding how do I incorporate multiple select statements in EF SQL Query: SELECT TOP {count} * FROM ( SELECT co.orderid,co.orderStatusId...
  17. P

    How do I optimise the query

    Hello folks, I have prepared one query, but I feel this can be even more optimised! But I'm not sure what can be done Query SELECT TOP 10 * FROM ( SELECT co.orderid, co.orderStatusId, co.paymenttransactionstatusid, ( SELECT...
  18. P

    In MS Test - running parallel tests - sql timeout comes

    I have framework which runs 12 threads parallel - each will have different test but may have to get result from sql connection Doing so - I'm receiving below error - Is there a way where I can do any workaround in my code to make it work without loosing parallel threads <add...
  19. L

    use big data with SQL, what is better?

    Hello. I wan to select \ write \ read \ delete \ change colums, rows in table, will be a big size data for web and win application. Which of best way can you recommend with using c# language 1) Sql server or sqllite or mongoDB or some other 2) how to use data information cut big data for...
  20. A

    Question when implement sqlclr function i get error on sql server 2012?

    Problem I work on SQL server 2012 windows 7 when implement clr function i get error Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "spExecuteParallel": System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an...
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