i am annoying by this types of slow loading and syc with dataBase request - so i am afraid of this types of mistakes like on this webSite
developer Fusion - ASP.NET, C# Programming, VB.NET, .NET Framework, Java and Visual Basic Tutorials
if u try to sing up - u can see more than 30 minutes loading the page...
So... it's not my webSite and i visit it first time.
So i am trying to learn all about dataBases. I want to choose the best type of DB for my target.
My target is - choose db for store.
The store will be have more than 50 000 pages of products. Categories, tags, blog pages, product pages with colours, sizes and other characteristics with pictures.
I want to create an intel search filter by types of products, parts words in titles\descriptions, so i want know which of ways to use and what db will be best for asp and winForms application.
i represent it like: 50 000 string of single data of page and read from all db by the sql queries or cut 50 000 strings to 50 files of dataBase, than do 50 queries to search data in 1 000 string files and how to increase search procces, with async search or multiThread and what can be worst thing, one person say to me that multiThreads can invoke problem, but i don't know nothing about it.
And in my plans referrer at last 1 000 user per day, at last 1 000 queries from different user in shuffle time to db
I have watched videos about ms server sql, mySql - i think is not a good idea to use, it can be to slow to search in big data parts of data.
Maybe ms sql server can do all proccess faster with table search, but - i don't know. MongoDB - i don't know, PostegresDB - i don't know.
i have experiance with the wordPress website - MySql with more than 10 000 product pages it's to slow in work. i've decided to find the best way to create for big data webSite. I have chosen c# asp, than think how to confirm the best way to sync with db and which of all db use in free forms for grow start up. Have you used Azure free time period for use 12 month for free acces to product service? Maybe you have experiance in this?
Support of asp recommended me to use ms sql server or cosmosdb but it's not for free, i want to find for first start up projects free db for this target, than
if i have understood correctly, to simple store good choice will be ms server sql \ mySql ( once in a week will be add new products in DB \ delete \ part sort data)
for multimply changes server games will be best choice MongoDB, PostegresDB or RabbitDb or some else ?
The second type of project i want to create for web-game in asp mvc and winForms game application for multiply users, like a slither.io. In this case using ms server sql or mySql is not good choise, and need to lookig for other db like MongoDB, PostegresDB or RabbitDb .. i have understood you correctly?