
  1. L

    Question Folder browsing during setup

    Hi, I'm new here and my problem is easily explained. If I create a setup project with VS2019 the graphic for the folder browsing during the setup is pretty old like it's Win95, I'd rather have one more "good-looking", perhaps one that adapts on the O.S. like the openfile dialog window. Also, one...
  2. shawnhee

    Resolved Minimize Windows Form when Clicked Outside the Application

    I want to minimize my windows form when i clicked anywhere outside it.... But this code will just close the whole program, can anyone help? I want to hide the app to taskbar, and when i press it from taskbar it shows up again....... Here is the code: protected override void...
  3. sandralopez9297

    Answered I need to write a program that automatically

    For example, I need to write a program that automatically turns on and runs the first process of an application within 30 seconds, then automatically disables it, and launches the third process of that application in 30 seconds. Within 30 seconds of running the first process, the program...
  4. S

    Printing options for DataGridView

    Hi All, Does anyone know any methodology to create direct print-out from datagridview. From googling what i found is that it's quite complex process. Is there any package available to dot the same (i.e. nugget package). I have datagridview populated from database and I want to make PDF print of...
  5. aw48

    why do I need this reference ?

    hi, can someone explain the following problem : I have dll1 with class1. dll1 references dll2 with class2. class2 has a property "public bool IsFolder" class1 has a property "public List<class2> Items" In a form I reference dll1 and have an object "class1 obj" So now when I say "if...
  6. P

    Question System.Windows.Forms.Timer issue

    Hello Everyone. This is my first post here. I'm having a very weird issue using Timers. My elapsed event isn't firing ; when it fires its completely random, not according to the interval i set. I already tried to drag the timer from the toolbox to the form, creating it manually on the STA...
  7. C

    Question BackgroundWorker. How do I display the current process by navigating through the Tree

    Scenario_1. 1. The user. Presses the "Start" button; 2. The program. Creates an instance of the user element "ucBackgroundWorker" in "flowLayoutPanel1"; 3. The program. Creates a node in the "treeView1"; "Scenario_1" can be repeated an unlimited number of times. Scenario_2. There are: - Several...
  8. C

    Question BackgroundWorker. Multithreading. How do I run multiple forms?

    There is - the main form is "Main.cs". - form with "progressBar" - "progressBar.cs" Scenario: User. The form is "Main.cs". Presses the "Start" button three times. Program. Opens three forms of "progressBar.cs" How to make the data from the progress percentage "progressBar" get in real...
  9. S

    Question Why My List<string> Saved In User Settings doesn´t Save the strings?

    Good Day, I Have A List<string> Saved In My App User Settings, this List is supposed to save the file paths of a openfiledialog to then deserialize it, but I already Called the method Save(); And even the method Upgrade(); After adding the strings to the list, but this strings, doesn´t save. Why?
  10. Neal

    Question WPF vs. Winforms 2018

    One of those questions that are frequent, annual, and indecisive! When considering a new project in 2018 what platform are you choosing for Windows and why? WPF is the current and future platform, some say, yet Winforms continues to grow by 3rd party vendors (I use Developer Express) as if WPF...
  11. B

    Question How to correctly made two depending Comboboxes?

    I have a problem with two dependent Combobox. I want to do the dependent Comboboxes. When selecting an area in combobox1, a free taxi located in this area should be displayed on combobox2. I found this video on YouTube and tried to use the code in this video...
  12. R

    win form application does not run on another machine

    hi i have a win form application written c# in Visual Studio 2017. it's a simple client registration form with Linq to SQL that uses a .mdf database file stored in the \bin\debug folder. while running the application on my own machine there is no problem, and it runs fine. but when i create a...
  13. H

    Question Winform RTL sizing and positioning issues

    Hi guys, I have been trying to create an RTL (right to left) winform that uses arabic text and contains some textboxes, labels and buttons.. It is driving me crazy... after i perfectly design the form, as soon as i run it everything just loses some level of sizing and positioning. I tried to use...
  14. L

    Run Powershell commands inside Winform C# with another users crfedential

    When I click the view button it executes the Powershell code successfully and displays the results in 3 different textboxes. This is working as should. But I need to run this with another user credential and this should happen when I click the command button. We are not going to get access to...
  15. J

    How to multithread to start a method

    I'm working on a search program and would like to have a national instruments led control blinking during the search. The led needs to be started on its own thread while the search runs on a separate thread. This is my first attempt at multi-threading in c# and I'm not sure what to try. Here is...
  16. N

    Question IP camera viewer with Onvif video analytics

    Dear Developers, We run a little offine/online hat shop and we've installed a Cisco IP camera in the show-window. I want to manage the video surveillance from code. I've found an IP camera NuGet package for building an Onvif viewer in C#, but I need more: I have to count how many people...
  17. K

    Question System gets halt on Panel scrolling

    I am using Panel on windows form and adding the controls like Panel, label etc dynamically with keeping AutoScroll property is true. When number of controls are added and going to scroll down then it scrolled but my system gets completely in halt position. No works will carry out and after...
  18. J

    Question How can I open the Internet Browser when I click on a link in the WebBrowser control?

    Hello, In my application I have a WebBrowser control that I use for viewing Html formatted email messages. But when I click on a hyperlink inside the WebBrowser when viewer an email message, the link will be opened inside the webbrowser control. What I actually want is forcing my application to...
  19. P

    Question Is disposing a local brush variable necessary?

    MSDN recommends disposing any variable of type System.Drawing.Brush before its last reference is released. Otherwise, the resources it is using will not be freed until the garbage collector calls the Brush object's Finalize method. As we know, local variables are destroyed automatically when...
  20. M

    Question Problem with SQL query and RowFilter "SOLVED"

    I'm having problem with a school assignment. I'm almost done with my program but I have one problem that I can't solve. The problem is with one of my SQL query's that are supposed to show players with different scores. When running my program I get the following error: Syntax error near...
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