
  1. M

    How to draw the user's attention only to some items of a ListBox

    I wonder whether it is possible to highlight or change the color of the text or place a symbol (for example "!") or something else to attract the user's attention only on some items of the rightmost ListBox in the attached GUI. The reason is to reduce the user's time devote to double-checking...
  2. M

    Erratic behavior of TextBox "TextChanged" event

    I have inserted in the GUI a TextBox. It must hold a number between 0 and 1 that represents a lower threshold for accepting a structure name guessed by the Dice coefficient. I have set a default but the user can edit the threshold. Therefore I have to check the number entered is between 0 and...
  3. M

    How to use a ComboBox as a dropdown menu

    I have to show a list of strings (Trial names) that are fetched from a PostgreSQL database. The number of strings is only known at runtime. I have implemented that through a ComboBox as follows: <ComboBox x:Name="TrialDB" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" MinWidth="100"...
  4. M

    ListBox_Selection_Changed triggered by clearing its content

    When the user changes his/her mind and selects another item (a CT scan) of a ListBox, I need to erase the content of another three ListBoxes. I do that through the following statements: StructSets.ItemsSource = null; StructSets.Items.Clear(); StructSets.Items.Refresh()...
  5. M

    Resolved ListBox whose items can be edited / discarded /accepted

    I would appreciate some help in implementing the following with WPF. I need to have a ListBox displaying a list of strings but some may be empty strings. Each ListBox item can be edited, discarded, or accepted. Therefore, besides the editable ListBox I need some other type of WPF control that...
  6. M

    Resolved how to best use "public"read-write properties of event-driven applications

    I am trying to convert a working Console UI application into a WPF one. I use an s/w library from Varian Medical Systems, called Velocity API, whose documentation is scarce and somewhat misleading. Velocity API hardcoded logic is built on context. My Console UI application calls several...
  7. J

    Filtering data grid causes UI freeze

    Hi, I have a small WPF application which gets some data (~300 rows) from an API and gets displayed in a DataGrid. Up to this point everything works well. Some Header-columns of the DataGrid have nested textboxes, which should serve as search-boxes. I bound their text to a property in my...
  8. mariodeghetto

    I will publish 3 books on C# (free preview + early bird edition)

    Hello, everyone! Excuse me for taking the liberty of asking you for help with a publishing project I have started. If possible, I would like to ask you to publish a post on your blog or in your technical community, indicating this link: (Free preview) My new book "Programming in C# – Basic...
  9. M

    How to Bind FontSize of a TextBlock from two different sources in WPF?

    Due to design purpose I use the fluid Layout which is mainly made by Grid.Row definition. I want to adjust my WPF application to run smoothly on every monitor that's why I use the DPI Decorator class. And this DPI Decorator is perfectly working that means the screen UI components are perfectly...
  10. Miles

    A question on architecture

    Hello good people. New here. First post. First up, I am by no means a "professional" developer. I have written quite a few desktop applications in Python Qt, VB.NET and C# WinForms, Java Swing (many years ago), and a whole bunch of code to automate host applications with VBA (Excel, Access...
  11. S

    Setting SelectedValue doesn't update combobox

    Hi, I have problems getting the combobox to work. I have a usercontrol with an listview and some controls. Everything works fine, when not using the combobox. Each time I click on one row in the ListView it should show in the controls (textboxes, labels and so on). The list in the listview is...
  12. B

    Removing treeviewitem using MVVM pattern in WPF application

    I'm making a file explorer app using MVVM pattern in C# WPF. Right now I want to implement watcher events that are responsible for adding, removing and renaming items from treeview. I already have adding, and partially renaming (I think that in this case I have to combine deleting and adding)...
  13. redexception

    Create a new window in WPF

    Hi, I've created a SQL Loginsystem (doesn't matter, but okay ^^). When someone clicks on the register function, a new window should appear. But how do I do that ? And how can I edit this window ? Would there appear another window.xaml? Greetings from the US.
  14. redexception

    Overwrite Systemfiles

    Hello, first of all I want to say I'm 14 years old and this is for educational purposes only! I don't want to damage any kind of person / system. So... I've built a program that overwrite logonui.exe with another logonui.exe . When I take ownership manually of the System32 folder everything is...
  15. S

    What is best Practice in a wpf mvvm with multiple datacontext

    Hi, I'm designing a wpf program with mvvm and now I'm confused which way I should do the "problem" with multiple datacontext to a usercontrol. I have googled a lot and find out, that I can do it in two ways; Make the vm extended with the foreign key and these properties in the view model Or...
  16. E

    Datagrid row should change the color

    Hey guys i m very new here so sorry if this is not the right place to post it but i really dont know where else i'd post it. I'm new at WPF and i don't know that much yet but i'm still learning. so here is my issue I want to make a simple financial manager witch takes the the content of the...
  17. J

    Raspberry Pi as Databaseserver for WPF Application

    Hey guys! I built an WPF Application, with a database, which provides the data. Until now a database running on the same machine as the one were I developed the app was enough. Now I want to run the app on other computers to, so I want to try using a Raspberry Pi as databaseserver. Unforutnately...
  18. archie456

    Resolved ListView PropertyGroupDescription Custom Sort

    Hi, I have a ListView bound to a view model, I set up groupings in the list view using PropertyGroupDescriptions: BrowserItemCollectionView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myCollection); //Set up filter BrowserItemCollectionView.Filter =...
  19. M

    How to Scale WPF application according to screen resolution?

    I make a WPF application in .Net Framework 4.7. I developed this application on my Laptop which has full HD resolution (1920*1080). My problem is when I run my application on a low resolution monitor (1366*768), my application don't scale up according to the screen resolution. I tried using Per...
  20. destro

    Resolved How can I bind my objects horizontally using itemTemplate?

    I have an observablecollection of class type as follows: public ObservableCollection<selectedLevel> selectedLevels { get; set; } selectedLevels = new ObservableCollection<selectedLevel>(); public class selectedLevel { public string Level { get; set; } public...
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