Question A bit dumbfounded on how hard a web service is to make. Help?


New member
Apr 16, 2015
Programming Experience
I have a web application that a number of users work with to log some simple information about incidents that occur in our network. I banged it out in ASP.NET (Visual Studio 2015) and so far so good. Phase 2 now is adding a command line tool that can be used for some automation. What I would like to do is to provide a web service in my existing site that can be called by this command line tool. I produced something very fast in PHP for a similar system that was really easy. But I'm just staring at page after page after page of sites in my google searches that either 1> don't line up with my version of VS and make no sense how they are doing things, or 2> Aren't doing it through Visual Studio so again, make no sense.

Why is this so difficult? HA. Can someone help me out and point me in a good direction to get started? Like I said, existing site with several pages alread, VS2015, ASP.NET.

Ahhh! I have located what I am looking for in the term "Web API"! So, I think I am finally back on track with this project.
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