Anti Aliasing Issue - Text looks ok in designer but pixilated at runtime?!


Active member
Mar 23, 2014
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I have recently converted a project from to c# and have managed to resolve all the major issues bar this one .

In the designer all the text looks as it should be, but during runtime, all the text becomes pixelated. Labels, Buttons, etc ... any control with a text field suffers and as a result looks terrible!

Could anyone suggest what might be happening here and what I could do to rectify it?

See attached screen shot - top is design view bottom is whilst running.

Upon further investigation it appears this converter has done a lot of bodges to get things to work and generally made a bit of a hash of things. I have now located the main method but in doing so, uncovered a whole load of other stuff which probably ought not to be there. I think I'm going to have to spend a day manually copying/pasting each form to a new project and fixing each bit line by line.

On a slightly related note ... is there a 'right or wrong' when it comes to dealing with multiple screens of information. The program I'm writing has been deliberately simplified to only show the minimum amount of information on any one screen to make it more intuitive and user friendly. So far I have been putting each 'screen' on a separate form which seemed logical enough to begin with, but now I have in excess of 20 forms with the number ever growing. Is there any harm in doing this or would I be better off using some sort of tab control or similar on a single form to display the different information?
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