c# and .Net Target on Target Systems


New member
Aug 20, 2022
Programming Experience
Hello all,

I have a little understanding problem with my small C# projects and .Net.

If I created a project and set as target .Net 4.8, then on a target machine to which I copy all the files \bin\debug\* must be installed on the .Net 4.8 version?

The same goes for the DLL references for included NuGet packages?

I have several cases on target systems without .Net 4.8 and the C# exe still works and one case with .Net 4.8 installed where the application crashes because it can't load the NuGet DLL.
Further cases where I install the .Net 4.8 runtime the application still does not run.

Quite confusing. Do you have any explanation?

Thanks a lot
Firstly, don't copy anything from the Debug folder. the name should be a clue: that's for debugging. When you want to deploy your app, create a Release build and deploy from the Release folder.

As for the .NET Framework, are you sure it wasn't installed? It's been a standard part of Windows for quite a while now, so it should be installed by default and (I think) cannot be installed from a separate download.

As for DLLs, of course they need to be present. If your app uses a type declared in a library and that library isn't present when your app runs then it can't use that type. Unless you're using a component that will be installed on the system separately, you should set Copy Local to true for a reference. That DLL will then be copied to the output folder when you build your EXE and you deploy them together.
Firstly, don't copy anything from the Debug folder. the name should be a clue: that's for debugging. When you want to deploy your app, create a Release build and deploy from the Release folder.

As for the .NET Framework, are you sure it wasn't installed? It's been a standard part of Windows for quite a while now, so it should be installed by default and (I think) cannot be installed from a separate download.

As for DLLs, of course they need to be present. If your app uses a type declared in a library and that library isn't present when your app runs then it can't use that type. Unless you're using a component that will be installed on the system separately, you should set Copy Local to true for a reference. That DLL will then be copied to the output folder when you build your EXE and you deploy them together.

Thanks for the answer.

When creating the project I encounter the problem that it wants to install with the Setup.exe .Net 4.8 but this is already installed on the target system.

Publish project - from CD-ROM or DVD - c:\deploy\myapp.

I copy this directory to the target system and run the setup.exe. The setup always wants to download the .Net 4.8 version although it is already installed.

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