Complex C# code


New member
Apr 4, 2018
Programming Experience
Not so long ago I moved to the Faculty of Computer Science, lagging behind the classmates and I find it difficult to write this code. If you can help at least partly, I will be very grateful.
Here is the task:
Setting up a task.
The catalog stores information about the main parameters of monitors for two types of PCs: LCD and touch. When buying an LCD monitor with a tv tuner worth more than 5 thousand Grn a 5% discount is available. When buying a touch monitor, a loan is provided for 12 months.
Develop a program to work with these monitors.
Implement 2 versions of the program (console and with the Windows Forms interface).
Program requirements.
1. Develop the structure of the input file for storing monitor data.
To describe LCD monitors in a file, you need to store the following information:
- the model;
- the manufacturer (for example, ASUS, LG)
- diagonal;
- tv tuner (yes, no);
- permission (e.g., 1920x1080)
- type of matrix (for example, PLS)
- cost.
To describe the touch screens in a file, you need to store the following information:
- the model;
- the manufacturer (for example, POS Sector)
- diagonal;
- permission (e.g., 1920x1080)
- type of touch screen;
- volume of HDD;
- cost.
In order to distinguish between types of monitors when reading from a file in a collection, you can add a feature to the file.
You can specify other monitor parameters.
2. Develop a hierarchy of classes (1 base, 2 derivatives).
In the base class, keep general information about the monitors, in the derivatives - specific (one derivative class for the LCD, another for the sensory). Announce in the base class a virtual method for calculating the purchase price that is to be realized in derived classes.
When buying a monitor with a tv tuner worth more than 5 thousand Grn a 5% discount is available. When buying a touch monitor, a loan is provided for 12 months. under 3%. In the method it is necessary to calculate the cost of payment for each month.
3. In the console version, create two Collections List <> to store the data about the monitors and fill the collections from the file.
4. To implement the functions of the program:
- adding, removing monitors;
- Editing data on price and characteristics;
- viewing models of touch screens, ordered in price in ascending order;
- selection of LCD monitors only;
- the choice of printers of the specified firm;
- search for ASUS LCD monitors;
- calculation of the cost of the LCD monitor
- Calculate the cost of payment for 1 month of touch monitor.
5. In a project with the Windows Forms interface, use the LinkedList <T> collection. Implement on the form a view of the collection elements in the forward and backward directions.
What specific issue are you having? "Here's my assignment, you tell me what to do" is not the best way to get help. What thought have you put into the problem? How have you broken the problem down into smaller and smaller parts? What attempts have you made to write an algorithm for those parts? What specific problem(s) are you having implementing those algorithms?

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