Question Help adding points/ treasure to maze game


New member
Oct 28, 2020
Programming Experience
I have a maze game with 3 forms/ levels.
When hit certian labels it will take you to another level by closing the current form and then opening the specified form.

I am now wanting to add some sort of treasure or scoring system that you need to collect and then the game keep a track of your score.

Is there anybody who can help me with this? I can supply you with code if you wish to look at the application.

Show us the relevant parts of your code and tell us what specific problem you are running into.

As a quick aside, using labels as sprites and hotspots in a game is really a poor idea resource wise because every label uses Windows object handle, and these handles are limited resources. As a quick and dirty toy or demonstration program you can get by with this, but if you are planning on either going to production with this, or writing a book or blog about this in the future, this is a really bad idea.

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