Question How could I make it so my sprite leaves a trail behind him that kills him if touched when he moves. Puzzle Game?


New member
Feb 2, 2023
Programming Experience
idk if anyone can help but Im making a basic sliding game and I was wondering how I would implement a way so that a trail could follow my character and if the trail is hit then the player would die and go back to the spawn point (im very new). Also are there any other was do you guys think on how i could add more skill/complexity to this game. games basics: player cant have another input until touching another wall, keeps going in the direction of the input until it hits a wall. Reach the portal. (I've already done this code, I just need help on how I would go about approaching the use of a trail that destroys you and respawns you.)
Are you rolling your own graphics engine? Or are you using an existing graphics framework? If the latter, then it depends whether that framework has facilities to leave behind a trail and do collision detection against that trail.

I recommend breaking off your game design question into a different thread. It's usually a good idea to just keep a single topic within a thread.
If you are using Unity, then you'll need to dig through the Unity documentation.
I dont think unity will have an explanation for my specific issue? I look online already. Im sorry but I'm new to this and don't understand can you post a link or something?
I don't know. I don't use Unity.
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