Question How to have multiple Firebase AddSnapshotListener(s) inside a single class?


May 12, 2022
Programming Experience
I have a class in android which has a listener setup to get visitorlist updates.

var visitorDetailsCollection = FirebaseFirestore.Instance.Collection("visitorDetails");
            var visitorDetailsquery = visitorDetailsCollection.WhereEqualTo("UserID", Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.Instance.CurrentUser.Uid);
            visitorlistner = visitorDetailsquery.AddSnapshotListener(this);

and when the firestore db is updated the following method runs and gets the updates

public void OnEvent(Java.Lang.Object obj, FirebaseFirestoreException error)
                var docs = (QuerySnapshot)obj;
                foreach (var doc in docs.Documents)
                        var visitordetails = new VisitorDetails
                            Name = doc.Get("VisitorName").ToString(),
                            ContactNumber = doc.Get("VisitorContact").ToString(),
                            VehicleNumber = doc.Get("VisitorVehicleNo").ToString(),
                            IsApproved = doc.Get("VisitorIsApproved").ToString(),
                            IsActive = doc.Get("VisitorIsActive").ToString(),
                            Purpose = doc.Get("PurposeOfVisit").ToString(),
                            Email = doc.Get("VisitorEmail").ToString(),
                            FromDate = toDatetime(doc.GetDate("FromDate") as Date),
                            ToDate = toDatetime(doc.GetDate("ToDate") as Date),
                            docID = doc.Id

Now I want to add another listener to get residentdetails like this

residentlistner = residentDetailsquery.AddSnapshotListener(this);

How do I tell this listener to run a different function like

public void OnEvent2(Java.Lang.Object obj, FirebaseFirestoreException error)
when the firestore db is updated?
No, you'll need to create an instance of a different class that also has an OnEvent() method on it.

Basically in pseudo code:
class VisitorDetailsUpdatedEventArgs : EventArgs
    // Properties/fields to hold visitor detail docs
    // Constructor that takes docs

class VisitorDetailsListener : WhatEverFirebaseBaseClassOrInterfaceNeeded
    public event EventHandler<VisitorDetailsUpdateEventArgs> VisitorDetailsUpdated;

    public void OnEvent(Java.Lang.Object obj, FirebaseFirestoreException error)
        // your code here that extracts visitor details docs

        // Notify event listeners the C# way, rather than the Java way. Pass the docs to into the event args.
        VisitorDetailsUpdated?.Invoke(this, new VisitorDetailsUpdatedEventArgs( ... ))

class ResidentUpdatedEventArgs : EventArgs
    // Properties/fields to hold resident docs
    // Constructor that takes docs

class ResidentListener : WhatEverFirebaseBaseClassOrInterfaceNeeded
    public event EventHandler<ResidentUpdatedEventArgs> ResidentUpdated;

    public void OnEvent(Java.Lang.Object obj, FirebaseFirestoreException error)
        // your code here that extracts resident docs

        // Notify event listeners the C# way, rather than the Java way. Pass the docs to into the event args.
        ResidentUpdated?.Invoke(this, new ResidentUpdatedEventArgs( ... ))

class YourController
    VisitorDetailsListener _visitorDetailsListener = new VisitorDetailsListener();
    ResidentListener _visitorDetailsListener = new ResidentListener();

    public YourController( ... )
        // register for events the C# way
        _visitorDetailsListener.VisitorDetailsUpdated += OnVisitorDetailsUpdated;
        _residentListener.VisitorDetailsUpdated += OnResidentUpdated;
        // register for Firebase events

    // Handle events the C# way

    void OnVisitorDetailsUpdated(object sender, VisitorDetailsUpdatedEventArgs e)
        // process the visitor details in the event args

    void OnResidentUpdated(object sender, ResidentUpdatedEventArgs e)
        // process the resident in the event args
Lines 46-47 above create new instances of C# classes. Lines 50-51 register those classes as listeners for Firebase.
The response you got in Stack Overflow is the best, cleanest approach: pass in a different instance instead of this. Any other approach, would be hacky where you need to detect the object passed into the event.
The same way you would do would any other class. Declare a class. Call new to create an instance of that class. I don't understand why this is a difficult concept. You should have learned this as a basic part of learning how to program in any object-oriented language. I would assume that you already know how to do this considering that you are already advanced enough to be writing a mobile application. Please tell me that you aren't doing cargo-cult programming.
ha ha, But that way it will again create a new instance of the same class and a new instance of the same onEvent function right?

Coz in Stackoverflow Jason asked me to create a separate instance of the listener rather than using "this"
so I asked on how to do that actually :)
See post #4 and #6. You don't need to copy and paste someone else's code. You just need to understand and think. You can chose to get a fish, or you can choose to learn how to fish.
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