Is it possible to access my MS-Access [.accdb] Database located in my website?


Oct 19, 2024
Programming Experience
Hi, I am using windows applications. I am in need to connect my Ms-Access database from remote. And I also have website. And I copy-paste my database to my website. public_html folder. Now is it possible to connect my Database with website path? Once possible kindly explain the details to get update myself, will be very helpful.

I tried like the following way...
I try from my connection string
Connection String:
MyDBConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ace.Oledb.12.0; Data Source='\\\\\\abc\\user\\filemanager\\files?path=\\domains\\\\public_html\\mydatabsename.accdb'; Persist Security Info=False ";
An Access database is just a file, so exposing that on your web site would be like exposing any other file, i.e. people would just be downloading a copy of the file. If you want to treat it like a database then you would have to add pages to your web site that allowed the user to view and modify the data through them, with your app making the changes to the database in code. You could also use a web service instead, then allow other apps to connect to that and provide whatever UI they wanted to the user.

Apart from that, you shouldn't be using an ACCDB file with a web site anyway. ACCDB requires installation of the ACE database engine and that is not supported on servers. I'm pretty sure that even Jet has been removed from Windows...
In general, leaving a database naked and exposed to the Internet is a really bad idea.

Furthermore, Access uses file locking on its files to support multi-user/multi-process access. There is no way to do that over a HTTP protocol because of the statelessness of HTTP.
Moving out of WinForms forum and into one of the database forums...
An Access database is just a file, so exposing that on your web site would be like exposing any other file, i.e. people would just be downloading a copy of the file. If you want to treat it like a database then you would have to add pages to your web site that allowed the user to view and modify the data through them, with your app making the changes to the database in code. You could also use a web service instead, then allow other apps to connect to that and provide whatever UI they wanted to the user.

Apart from that, you shouldn't be using an ACCDB file with a web site anyway. ACCDB requires installation of the ACE database engine and that is not supported on servers. I'm pretty sure that even Jet has been removed from Windows Server, which web sites would be hosted on. This assumes that it's not a Linux server to begin with.
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