Online Recruitment Software from TestDome Ltd


New member
May 29, 2014
Programming Experience
TestDome Ltd. released an online testing environment for programmers, a powerful new piece of online recruitment software designed to ensure that employers get the right person for the job.

The goal is to simplifying the process of recruiting programmers, enable employers to identify the perfect candidates which will fill their programming positions with minimum effort and within the shortest time possible.

TestDome can also be used by any individual to test out his coding skills and to see where his knowledge is poor, so he can work on it.

TestDome examines the participants by testing their problem solving skills, algorithmic thinking, creativity and mastery of a language, but most importantly their efficiency in the real life programming scenarios that they will face during their work.

Tests are divided by difficulty, easy (for junior developers) and hard (for senior developers).
Currently a C#, Java and JavaScript programming languages are supported, but in the future more will be added.

Try out some of these C# tests and see how you score:


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