Question Pairing The Elements of 2 Array For Once


New member
May 5, 2016
Programming Experience
I'm working on fixture project and trying to assign teams with each other.I have 18 teams and half of this is playing at home and the other half is playing at away.I created 2 structs.First struct is named "Teams" and holds the infos about each team(it's code is at below)
public struct Teams                        
            public String name;                    
            public int[] day;                     //It's match day
            public int[] dayCount;                //Holds how much time the theam played match at days
            public bool isMatching;      
            public bool TeamPlace;                 //true=plays at home - false plays at away
            public bool isUefa;                    //Is team plays at Uefa
            public bool isCL;                      //Is team plays at CL
            public int extraMatchDay;              
            public int extraMatchWeek;             
            public bool extraMatchInfo;          //If team has extra match?
            public int[] rivals;                //holds team's previous rivals

            public void CreateArray()
                day = new int[34];
                dayCount = new int[4];  //0->pzt  1->cuma   2->cmt   3->pzr
                rivals = new int[17];
                extraMatchWeek = 1; 

                for (int i = 0; i < rivals.Length; i++)
                    rivals[i] = -1;

            public void NULL()
                name = null;
                TeamPlace = false;
                isUefa = false;
                isCL = false;
                Array.Clear(day, 0, day.Length);  //clear the day array

Second struct is named "matchedTeams" and holds the infos about the competitions.(it's code is at below)

public struct matchedTeams  //holds competitions
            public Teams team1;
            public Teams team2;
            public int MatchDayDate; 

            public void CreateArrayFromTeams() //the objects from Teams struct which uses the function thet "CreateArray" from "Teams" struct encountered the NULLException error so I had to create them again.

            public void NULLmatched()
                MatchDayDate = 0;


            public void EqualTheDays(int i)

      [i] = this.MatchDayDate;
      [i] = this.MatchDayDate;

And I seperated and assigned teams to 2 array."Home" and "Away" arrays.And assigned 2 teams from these 2 arrays(1 team from each array) to matchedTeams' "team1" and "team2".But I want that each team pairs once with each other.I tried it but I failed.My code is at below:

public static void ShuffleTeamsWithoutWeek(int weekDay, int[] randomHomeNumArray, int[] randomAwayNumArray, matchedTeams[,] weeklyMatched, matchedTeams[] matchTeams, Teams[] home, Teams[] away, Teams[] teams)

            int randomHome; //It indicates the element which will be chosen from Home Array
            int randomAway; ////It indicates the element which will be chosen from Away Array

            Random randomNum = new Random();

            for (int j = 0; j < weekDay; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < weeklyMatched.GetLength(1); i++)
                    weeklyMatched[j, i].CreateArrayFromTeams(); //weeklyMatched is a 2 dimensional array instantiated from matchedTeams struct and it's size is weeklyMatched[34,9]

            for (int week = 0; week < weekDay; week++)

                if (week < weekDay / 2)

                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)   //It equals the elements of 2 arrays to -1
                        randomHomeNumArray[i] = -1;   //Holds the random numbers for Home array
                        randomAwayNumArray[i] = -1;  //Holds the random numbers for Away array

                    for (int homeArrayCounter = 0; homeArrayCounter < randomHomeNumArray.Length; homeArrayCounter++)
                        randomHome = randomNum.Next(home.Length);    

                        if (!randomHomeNumArray.Contains(randomHome))
                            randomHomeNumArray[homeArrayCounter] = randomHome;   
                            //Console.WriteLine(homeArrayCounter + ". iterasyon in Home " + randomHomeNumArray[homeArrayCounter]); 
                    for (int awayArrayCounter = 0; awayArrayCounter < randomAwayNumArray.Length; awayArrayCounter++) 
                        randomAway = randomNum.Next(randomAwayNumArray.Length);    

                        if (!randomAwayNumArray.Contains(randomAway))
                            randomAwayNumArray[awayArrayCounter] = randomAway;     
                    int RivalCounter = 1;

                    for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) //There are 9 matches each week
                        if (weeklyMatched[week, c].team1.isMatching == false)  //choose a team from unchosen ones
                            weeklyMatched[week, c].team1 = home[randomHomeNumArray[c]];

                            weeklyMatched[week, c].team1.isMatching = true;

                        if (weeklyMatched[week, c].team2.isMatching == false)   choose the second team from unchosen ones
                            weeklyMatched[week, c].team2 = away[randomAwayNumArray[c]];

                            if (weeklyMatched[week, c].team1.rivals[RivalCounter] != Array.IndexOf(teams, (weeklyMatched[week, c].team2))) //if team 1 didn't encountered with team2 before
                                weeklyMatched[week, c].team1.rivals[RivalCounter] = Array.IndexOf(teams, (weeklyMatched[week, c].team2));//assign team as team2
                                weeklyMatched[week, c].team2.isMatching = true; 

                            else {
                                RivalCounter--; //I'm not sure about this line

The output is here:
Output C#.png

Also I have another problem.I created the arrays of objects which created from "Teams" struct via using CreateArray method for all 18 teams individually.But when I'm trying to assign these teams to MatchedTeams object and trying to use these created arrays I get "NULLException" error.How do I fix it?

Thanks for your kind helps!
So are you saying that each pair of teams should play each other once only or once at each teams home, which is twice in total? I assume the latter but I wanted to confirm.
So are you saying that each pair of teams should play each other once only or once at each teams home, which is twice in total? I assume the latter but I wanted to confirm.

Yes,I want to pair them once and for all.(There will be 17 week and each team must match with the other for once.)
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