Slower site performance?

It was maybe a week ago last time I saw it. (Chrome here too)
Today I got one at VB.Net Forums, managed to open dev tools and in Network I saw that it hung on for 14 seconds before continuing. At same time C# Forums didn't respond too, got a "could not load page". When reloading both sites right after there is no delay or load error.

I'll see what I can determine
I've also noted Google Chrome has had terrible issues with caching for the past month across various sites. I have to close and reopen or do a shift + refresh to get it to recache.
Yeah, IE originally trained me to do Ctrl-F5 to clear the cache always as a first troubleshooting step. Carried that over to Chrome, but thankfully have not had to do it as often. Same with Edge.

When I was seeing the slow downs the previous weeks, I tried clearing the cache a few times when I countered the slow page load. I would end up hitting it again a few hours later.
Saw a delay on my phone last night when going to one of my sites. Don't know the cause, will continue to investigate. Safari browser on iPhone.
Another change has been made. Let's monitor from this point forward after your next visit (reading this).

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