The following simple C++ program is compiled using Digital Mars (v 8.57) and also using Visual Studio 2012 Empty C++ project type (build target 86). When I try to import the functions in a C# program, the application crashes reading the Digital Mars version but works fine using the VS version. When I run in debug mode, the function returns "Function Evaluation Was Aborted" and attempts multiple times to evaluate then stops. I'm running on Windows 7 64 bit.
C++ program:
C# Application:
C++ program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
extern "C"
_declspec(dllexport) LPSTR ReturnString()
return "HI THERE";
_declspec(dllexport) int ReturnInt()
int myvalue = 12;
return myvalue;
_declspec(dllexport) void ReturnNothing()
printf("Hello World");
int main()
return 0;
C# Application:
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; namespace TestCSharp { class Program { public const string strPath = "C:\\Code Blocks Projects\\Test\\bin\\Debug\\Test.dll"; //public const string strPath = "C:\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\TestCPPEmpty\\Debug\\TestCPPEmpty.dll"; [DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern int MessageBox(int h, string m, string c, int type); [DllImport(strPath, EntryPoint = "ReturnInt")] public static extern int ReturnInt(); [DllImport(strPath, EntryPoint = "ReturnString")] public static extern string ReturnString(); [DllImport(strPath, EntryPoint = "ReturnNothing")] public static extern void ReturnNothing(); public static void Main() { //call winapi function MessageBox(0, "API Message Box", "API Demo", 0); int myvalue = ReturnInt(); Console.WriteLine(myvalue); ReturnNothing(); string mystring = ReturnString(); Console.WriteLine(mystring); } } }
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