Does anyone know why these controls are not displayed on the form? When I add the controls over the design and the algorithm writes the properties to the InitializeComponents method, everything works great. But if I use the same code from the designer in the form constructor with just different names, the labels will not be displayed.
private void CreatePlayingTab()
System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Form1));
// bunifuCustomLabel_Titel
BunifuCustomLabel bunifuCustomLabel_Titel = new BunifuCustomLabel();
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.AutoSize = true;
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.Font = new Font("Century Gothic", 11.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224);
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.Location = new Point(19, 30);
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.Name = "bunifuCustomLabel_Titel";
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.Size = new Size(153, 18);
bunifuCustomLabel_Titel.Text = "#001 Wer ist Naruto?";
// bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret
BunifuCustomLabel bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret = new BunifuCustomLabel();
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.AutoSize = true;
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.Font = new Font("Century Gothic", 11.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224);
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.Location = new Point(20, 52);
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.Name = "bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret";
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.Size = new Size(98, 20);
bunifuCustomLabel_Interpret.Text = "Studio Tokyo";
// windowsMediaPlayer
AxWindowsMediaPlayer windowsMediaPlayer = new AxWindowsMediaPlayer();
windowsMediaPlayer.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
windowsMediaPlayer.Enabled = true;
windowsMediaPlayer.Location = new Point(0, 117);
windowsMediaPlayer.Name = "windowsMediaPlayer";
windowsMediaPlayer.OcxState = ((AxHost.State)(resources.GetObject("mediaPlayer.OcxState")));
windowsMediaPlayer.Size = new Size(912, 513);
windowsMediaPlayer.uiMode = "None";
// panel_currentlyPlaying
Panel panel_currentlyPlaying = new Panel();
panel_currentlyPlaying.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
panel_currentlyPlaying.Location = new Point(0, 100);
panel_currentlyPlaying.Name = "panel_Playing";
panel_currentlyPlaying.Size = new Size(912, 630);
panel_Media is a panel which has been added to the form via design, so it's already on the form.