Windows Form Application in Visual Studio 2010.


New member
Nov 24, 2012
Programming Experience
This project has to be done in Windows Visual Studio 2010 as form of WIndows Form Application.

1. Books: Picture, Title, Current Price, Number of Bids, Item description

(Author's (firstname, surname), Publish Year, Publisher's name)

2.Laptops: Picture, Maker, Model, Current Price, Number of Bids, Item
description (Screen size. CPU speed, Memory size, hard drive size)

Essential points:

1. The ability to select one of the two categories to start;
2. The ability to view all items in the selected category one by one,
displaying all attributes for each item; at least 5 items for each
category included;
3. The ability to exit from the application.

And any 2 amongst the below:

1. The ability to navigate forward and backward within a selected
2. The ability to skip to a particular item using the item ID.
3. The ability to search for items in the Laptop category using keywords,
items found should be displayed (should at least display the maker,
model and current price)
4. The ability to add /delete new items to/from the system.


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