Question windows right click event to run a program


New member
Dec 27, 2016
Programming Experience
Hi There

I am in need a utility that will pass a filename.extension as a parameter to an exe file input.
In brief.

I need to know how to create a c# application to pass input parameters while running the file after the filename.

my filename will be


when i right click the file my sub menu looks like

New File
New Folder
Send SMS
Sent to

when i click on the Send SMS sub menu it should read the file name parameters as input and
should send sms to the number mentioned in the filename( the third parameter )
should send the date and name as message content.

i already have the code snippet to run the sendsms program as exe file which has to be given inputbox for name, date (from timestamp) and phonenumber from inputbox

can any one help how to create a c# application to get values in runtime, while executing


thanks in advance
You really have two questions going on here:
1) If you create a WinForms app, you can use Environment.GetCommandlineArgs(), which is an array, to know what parameters was passed in at launch. If you're creating a Console app you have Sub Main(Args As String[]) in the declaration, just use your Args array.

2) You want to add an entry to the context menu for file type(s) in in windows explorer, you'll need to edit the registry to add this and here's an article on how to do that: How to Add Any Application Shortcut to Windows Explorer's Context Menu
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