Resolved Tab sorting not working in VS 2022 ?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2021
Programming Experience
I spend a fair amount of my time in VS2022 hunting for a specific editor window, and then half the time clicking the wrong tab because the tabs seem to be in random order. I have checked the setting for it and it suggests it should be Alphabetic sorting, but that is certainly not the case. See attached image.
When I changed the tab layout to Left, the disabled items in the form become enabled, and then the sorting is correct. Any ideas as to why this does not work with Top ? It just seems so inconsistent to me.


  • tabs.jpg
    74.2 KB · Views: 143
Personally, I rarely use the tabs. I usually select files from the solution explorer. Must be due to having used Source Insight and CodeWright for way too long.
Personally, I rarely use the tabs. I usually select files from the solution explorer. Must be due to having used Source Insight and CodeWright for way too long.
Yes, that's something I could learn to do instead. Though somehow my eye seems to be attracted to the tabs, and I just think they should work normally.
I agree, they should work as advertised.
it suggests it should be Alphabetic sorting, but that is certainly not the case. See attached image.
Sorting is disabled when tabs are placed on Top. Can also see that in the tools dropdown:


I have no idea why.
Sorting is disabled when tabs are placed on Top. Can also see that in the tools dropdown:
I have no idea why.
I noticed that. Although the way I interpret it, only changing it is disabled. The radio button (though greyed out) suggests that it should have been sorted alphabetically. I'll submit a ticket for it.
I would assume that sorting is disabled when tabs are at the top because, if you have a few tabs open, that would prevent those later in the order from ever being displayed. If you have too many tabs open to be displayed and you select one from the overflow, the order changes so that that tab is then visible. That would be impossible if a set sort order was maintained. The same situation is theoretically possible with tabs on the left but you'd need a rather silly number of tabs open to achieve it.
I would assume that sorting is disabled when tabs are at the top because, if you have a few tabs open, that would prevent those later in the order from ever being displayed. If you have too many tabs open to be displayed and you select one from the overflow, the order changes so that that tab is then visible. That would be impossible if a set sort order was maintained. The same situation is theoretically possible with tabs on the left but you'd need a rather silly number of tabs open to achieve it.
Good thinking 💡
Now it makes sense why they did it like this. Of course they are not jumbled as I thought, just added from the left as they were opened. Thanks, case resolved !
Maybe the last comment is correct. I have switched to tabs on the left, and they are sorted which me is a great convenience. I guess we will have to live with it. There is no extension I can find that provides this for tabs on the top.
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