csharp beginner

  1. RedHand

    Question error CS0122

    I'm writing a code that is trying to access the backSprite and frontSprite, but it gives me an error CS0122. Can anyone help? This is for Unity. The error is: Assets\Script\Battle\BattleUnit.cs(16,57): error CS0122: 'MonsterBase.frontSprite' is inaccessible due to its protection level and...
  2. T

    Device.Net, Does anyone have some experience using Device.Net?

    I have grabbed a sample code that they publish with the documentation, but I am confused at why I am getting errors in Visual Studio. I highlighted the lines i'm getting errors at. Please note I have not changed anything in the sample. Code: private static async Task checkHID() {...
  3. MohaMB

    Question How to add a value in a list inside another list that already exists?

    I have a bug and I don't know how to fix the bug is the following: I have a list, which in turn is of type <List <String>>, with the constructor what I do is save certain info, and what I have coded is what next: List<List<string>> opciones = new List<List<string>>(); public...
  4. D

    Question C#; I need help with easy tasks

    I have to wrote a program solving these in an easiest way, not really know how without the mistakes, so thanks for any help. The 'file' contains whats under " John Medeic,MD 10|7|5|3|8|2|1|0|9|3|4|5|5|6|7|2|3 " Task. 1. Load and correctly interpret the data contained in the file. As a result...
  5. codify

    Answered Setting primary key in windows form

    Hello! I am have connected SQL management studio with my visual studio where I am making this hospital management system. I have set the PATIENT ID as the primary key in the SQL management studio. But when I am entering duplicate id, there is no objection being made by the code. What should I do...
  6. codify

    Storring wrong data in a text box!

    Hello! In a window form, Patient id is being stored in both text box1 and textbox2. It is not storing the name of the patient in textbox2. Please help! private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data...
  7. RickGove

    Resolved How to save a custom ObservableDictionary to a file, and restore it later?

    I'm not sure if I'm using any of the right language, and I'm a beginner... I have created an ObservableDictionary like so: [Serializable] public class ObservableDictionary<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, INotifyCollectionChanged { public ObservableDictionary() ...
  8. codify

    Question Project not opening on visual 2019

    Hello! I am trying to open this project. It should automatically open the rest of cs files which are linked to it. But when I open it my visual screen is blank.
  9. aadi56

    Resolved Please help me with asp.net and mongoDB

    I am trying to make employee registration page in asp.net with database as MongoDB. What I want to do is to have the unique email id, when a user tries to register with a email id it should show that email id already exists in the database I am not able to figure out how to do this in MongoDB...
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