Question Create Installer For Excel VSTO Addin


Active member
Aug 3, 2021
Programming Experience
i have created a excel (vsto) addin and it work fin on local computer. as i didn't have to anything.. just build and it comes to excel.

but now i am confused how i can make a installer for the addin so that it can be installed on users end at ease without any user level interaction.

i can't use clickonce, i am using custom installer app. so, i need to know the process what to do, like:
1. download and install any redist
2. sign any file
3. any registry settings
4. register any file using regsvr or regasm.

so, that i can update my installer to make those changes on the user end computer.

thanks in advance..

best regards
Did you read the articles linked to for each option?
i have gone some far.. but having slight issue..

1. i copied the files to new pc local folder
2. i update the registry to locate the addin

when i open excel i face following screenshot, (Unknown publisher as it is not signed)

and if click on "Install" it works as it shoud, but i want to pass this warning window, that's why

but when i try to sign vsto and manifest file using "maze.exe"

excel throws following error and don't work at all:


now what should i do?

thanks in advance

best regards
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