MVC to MRC (Model Razor Controller)?


Active member
Apr 10, 2020
Programming Experience
I've been trying to learn .NET Core after first learning the Framework structure. I am still learning regular views, which utilize Razor code, but I'm coming across a lot of Razor page info. Is it now, or will it ever be a structure of Models, Razor Pages, and Controllers?

-A curious learner.
My impression is that Razor Pages is aimed at beginners, hobbyists and those creating small applications where MVC is more industrial-strength with greater separation of concerns that promotes team-based development. Keep in mind that I've never used Razor Pages so I'm no expert, but it does seem to have replaced things like WebMatrix, which were aimed at the lower end.
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Tongue in cheek: Razor pages is "WebForms Strikes Back".

It encourages the old WinForms style of intertwining View and Controller logic once more. Yes, it requires discipline to keep the Model, View, and Controller apart from each other. There's days when you need to carefully lay down the lasagna, and there's days when all you need is spaghetti. Razor Pages let's you have your spaghetti when you need it.
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