Question Sip webphone in How to get started?


New member
Feb 19, 2015
Programming Experience
Hello,I started a simple static website not so long ago to boost my business. But I'm already tired of those annoying calls coming from telemarketers. And I noticed that most customers regret the money for phone calling.For this reason, I though I try the webphone technology to let my website visitors call me free of charge without displaying my telephone number. If it requires any programming skills by all means, C# is the closest to me and I have minimal knowledge about the sip protocol.After some googling, I've found many possible ways on how to do that. This is almost abundance... Which one is the best solution?Source: SIP Web Phone - CodeProjectOpenH323 - It is excluded as it uses h323 protocolOpal - Their website is unavailable, but it may also use h323Ekiga - It is also excluded as it is Linux-basedMyPhone - I'm wondering that it also uses h323?Ozeki voip sip software - Yeah, this is sip-compliant. I don't think that Ozeki is the only one vendor providing webphone solution that supports sip. What do you think? How can I get started?Ted

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