Which c# component to learn for better job prospect?

Like what would you expect a junior developer to know.
As an employer, or in general? Either way I'd expect you to know the language in full or almost in full. I sometimes get thrown coding gigs from customers I done previous work for. If I am passing them on to someone in work, or another programmer I meet, I always question them on the language and make sure they know their business well. This industry is full of bullshitters who learn one language like Java, and then come into the C# arena and expect certain things to work exactly the same way. Which not everything does.

Vice versa for c++ vs c devs. They expect certain functionality to exist also. Ask any senior developer what its like babysitting developers who spoofed their way through an interview. We always end up picking the pieces and the mess they make. So don't be one of those people and absorb as much documentation as a sponge absorbs water, and be the best developer you can be for the company who hires you and the people who have to work with you.

Anyway, you should start out with Desktop apps in WPF and then apply what you learn going across into web apps with asp/mvc etc. And only move onto web based projects once you know all or most of what there is to know about WPF and the C# language in general.
But I want to be firm with what i want to start learning so that I will not derail from it.
Then be committed, and if you go getting bored with the language, you will know why my signature will suddenly appeal to you. :)
Is there one in general or when you mentioned this, it is because of personal self?
If a language does not stimulate your mind to think up code patterns to write, then you are learning the wrong language, or a language that does appeal to you. Some people live for enterprise level programming such as that offered by C#, and some people prefer low-level programming like C++. And if you know both, you will often find you will write something in one language only to grasp the logic of it and then convert it to the language it was designated for originally. I actually know a lot of developers who do this.

Anyway, the quote itself comes from someone who inspires me. Look up Alan Jay Perlis on Google. His quotes are great, but he was an impeccable character in the programming world.
Anyway, you should start out with Desktop apps in WPF and then apply what you learn going across into web apps with asp/mvc etc. And only move onto web based projects once you know all or most of what there is to know about WPF and the C# language in general.
This sounds like a good way to kickstart. Learning c# -> learn wpf -> apply same type of program to asp.net when i am more advanced level.

As an employer, or in general?
Like in general whether it is working in a corporate or freelance or in general. Like you said, do not be a sponge which is why based on my past experiences with programming languages that I learnt in uni like java, html, css, c, I want to sort of change the mindset to properly understand the language instead of jsut blindly following he languages. I picked c# because it is robust and after some research, many people are using like js, java, python but c# developers are in demand. I jsut was not sure how to start but I feel like I have a better understanding of it now.

If a language does not stimulate your mind to think up code patterns to write, then you are learning the wrong language, or a language that does appeal to you
Yes, I guess I can say that this was what I was experiencing all this while. Not feeling excited when writing certain programs in certain languages. Like the quote mentioned. Looks like I will try with c# first. Thanks for the advise, mate.
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