Matrix Rain help (poor performance)


Oct 22, 2019
Programming Experience
Hi, i learn my self to making winforms in c# with vs 2015 since my 15 yo.

And today for fun i wanna make a matrix rain with rasta colors but in winform not console application.I have finished but i've got poor performance, and maybe because i'm not very good to C# coding ;D, to explain what i've done, i just have to show you ;D

(show below post 3 ...)

thanks for all the comunity for helping ;D (not registered but using this forum since a while ^^)
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A quick question before I log off, though.

Why are you trying to drive your two loop timers at different rates?

Also, did you read the documentation? The WinForms timer has a resolution of 55 milliseconds. Trying to drive one of your timers at less than that rate isn't really helping you much other than piling up tick events right behind each other.
A quick question before I log off, though.

Why are you trying to drive your two loop timers at different rates?

Also, did you read the documentation? The WinForms timer has a resolution of 55 milliseconds. Trying to drive one of your timers at less than that rate isn't really helping you much other than piling up tick events right behind each other.

Okay thanks for editing (and sorry), i've changed backgroundworker to async task with await, more smooth ~3% less CPU usage, change loop interval to 66ms for all 2. more smoother but same CPU usage.

I've searched more ways to draw large bitmap faster but didn't found more faster than DrawImageUnscaled. Maybe there is one ?
Not for actually drawing your bitmap, for drawing stuff into your bitmap:
- You will likely get some more speed if you cache your brushes and pens instead of creating them on the fly.
- Some of the floating point calculations you do are repeated. Perhaps also only compute those once and keep the values around?

I'm not sure if the GraphicsPath is really buying you anything.
In the spoiler is a quick stab at trying to improve the performance.

The biggest bang for minimal buck was just a minor change to have the render loop invalidate the control at a fixed frame rate, and then have the Paint event handler draw the bitmap.

The next thing was to cut down on the number of rendering bitmaps being created and then have the bits copied around from output of the worker to the final renderer, and then from the final renderer to the screen. I implemented a simple double buffering were rendering always happens to the non-current bitmap by the worker, and then when the rendering is done, mark that bitmap as the current bitmap, and use the previous current bitmap as the next render bitmap.

The simple runs of the code had the VS showing that a lot of garbage collection was being done. I tried to some caching and sharing of GDI pens and brushes. The seemed to delay the GC that looked to run every 2 seconds out to something like every 7 seconds.

There's more tricks that can be done like using an pool of drawing elements so that those don't have to continually being destroyed and recreated, but I've since lost interest in this.

As a quick aside, your original code was already using a low amount of CPU at about 9%, but as you noticed it was running slowly and choppy. My code changes actually end up using more CPU at about 10-12%, but in my opinion it was running faster and smoother.

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using Timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer;

namespace TestMatrixRain

    public class MatrixRainControl : Panel
        const string CharactersToChoose = "ハミヒーウシナモニサワツオリアホテマケメエカキムユラセネスタヌヘヲイクコソチトノフヤヨルレロン";
        const int FramesPerSecond = 12;
        const int MaxShadowCount = 19;
        const int MaxHaloCount = 9;

        static Random randomVar = new Random();

        BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
        Timer workerLoop = new Timer();
        Timer renderLoop = new Timer();

        Bitmap [] renderBitmap = new Bitmap[2];
        int currentBitmapIndex = 0;

        List<DrawElement> ElementsList = new List<DrawElement>();
        private int minElements = 10;
        private int currMaxElements = 55;
        private int maxElement = 200;
        private int timeToUpMaxElement = 10;
        private int currTime = 0;

        Color elementForeColor;
        Color elementBackColor;
        Brush[,] shadowBrush = new Brush[MaxShadowCount, MaxShadowCount];
        Pen [] haloPen = new Pen[MaxHaloCount];
        Brush backColorBrush;

        public MatrixRainControl()
            worker.DoWork += Worker_DoWork;
            workerLoop.Interval = 66;
            workerLoop.Tick += WorkerLoop_Tick;

            renderLoop.Interval = 1000 / FramesPerSecond;
            renderLoop.Tick += (o, e) => Invalidate();

            Color baseColor = Color.MediumAquamarine;
            elementBackColor = ControlPaint.LightLight(baseColor);
            elementForeColor = ControlPaint.Dark(baseColor);
            for(int i = 1; i < MaxShadowCount; i++)
                for(int j = 1; j <  MaxShadowCount; j++)
                    int alpha = 255 - Math.Min(230, ((230 / i) * j));
                    shadowBrush[i, j] = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, elementForeColor));
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxHaloCount; i++)
                haloPen[i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(32, elementBackColor), i);
                haloPen[i].LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
            backColorBrush = new SolidBrush(elementBackColor);

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

        public void StartAnimation()
            renderBitmap[0] = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);
            renderBitmap[1] = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);



        void AddUnlimitedMatrixChars(int interval)
            var t = new Timer();
            t.Interval = interval;
            t.Tick += delegate (object sender, EventArgs args)
                if (ElementsList.Count < currMaxElements)


        void AddMatrixChar()
            Color baseColor = Color.MediumAquamarine;
            var el = new DrawElement()
                Location = new PointF(randomVar.Next(0, this.Width), -350),
                Size = new SizeF(20, 20),
                BackColor = elementBackColor,
                ForeColor = elementForeColor

            int step = randomVar.Next(2, 6);
            float fStep = (float)(step / 10);
            int kanaChangeTime = randomVar.Next(2, 10);
            int currKanaChange = 0;
            float textWidth = randomVar.Next(5, 34);
            int shadowCount = randomVar.Next(6, MaxShadowCount);

            Action<Graphics> draw = delegate (Graphics graphics)
                string character = (string) el.Tag;
                using (var gp = new GraphicsPath())
                    gp.AddString(character, this.Font.FontFamily, 0, textWidth, el.Location, StringFormat.GenericDefault);

                    for (int i = 1; i < shadowCount; i++)
                        string shadowChar = "";
                        int shadowTagIndex = (el.TagHistory.Count - 1) - i;
                        if (shadowTagIndex >= 0)
                            shadowChar = (string) el.TagHistory[shadowTagIndex];

                        using (var gpShadow = new GraphicsPath())
                            float yLocation = el.Location.Y - (((float)(textWidth * 1.2)) * i);

                            gpShadow.AddString(shadowChar, this.Font.FontFamily, 0, textWidth, new PointF(el.Location.X, yLocation), StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                            graphics.FillPath(shadowBrush[shadowCount, i], gpShadow);

                    int maxHalo = Math.Min((int)(textWidth / 2), MaxHaloCount);
                    for (int i = 1; i < maxHalo; i++)
                        graphics.DrawPath(haloPen[i], gp);

                    graphics.FillPath(backColorBrush, gp);

                if (el.Location.Y < (this.Height) + ((float)(textWidth * 1.2) * shadowCount))
                    el.Location.Y += step;

                    if (currKanaChange < kanaChangeTime)
                        currKanaChange += 1;
                        currKanaChange = 0;
                    el.DeleteMySelf = true;


            el.DrawAction = draw;

        char GetRandomKana()
            return CharactersToChoose[randomVar.Next(0, CharactersToChoose.Length)];

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(renderBitmap[currentBitmapIndex], new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height));

        private void WorkerLoop_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!worker.IsBusy)

                if (currTime < timeToUpMaxElement)
                    currTime += 1;
                    currTime = 0;
                    if (currMaxElements < maxElement)
                        currMaxElements += 1;
                if (currMaxElements > minElements)
                    currMaxElements -= 1;
                    currTime = 0;

        private void Worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            int nextBitmapIndex = (currentBitmapIndex + 1) % renderBitmap.Length;
            Bitmap tempPic = renderBitmap[nextBitmapIndex];

            List<DrawElement> tempList = new List<DrawElement>();
            Graphics tempPicGraphs = Graphics.FromImage(tempPic);



            foreach (DrawElement drawElement in tempList)

                if (drawElement.DeleteMySelf)

            e.Result = tempPic;

            Interlocked.Exchange(ref currentBitmapIndex, nextBitmapIndex);

    public class DrawElement
        public PointF Location;
        public SizeF Size;
        public Color BackColor;
        public Color ForeColor;
        public Object Tag;

        public Action<Graphics> DrawAction;

        public List<Object> TagHistory = new List<object>();

        public bool DeleteMySelf = false;

        public DrawElement()

        public void AddTag(string tagString)
            if (Tag != null)
                Tag = tagString;
                Tag = tagString;

        public void AddTag(Object tagObj)
            if (Tag != null)
                Tag = tagObj;
                Tag = tagObj;

        async public void Draw(Graphics g)
Thank you a lot, i'll remake your code by myself to understant what you've done, and for me less CPU usage ^^ now it's arround 3-7%

Backgroundworker vs async Task ? same ?
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After many tests, you are the goat ^^

I can add more elements at same times without lag, i can anime in 1920x1080 without lag, and even if i change FPS from 12 to 30. Insane

Thank you very much
Recall the time resolution of the WinForms Timer. 1000 / 30 = 33. 33 is less than 55. You'll need to try switching to a different Timer. You have multiple choices.
Recall the time resolution of the WinForms Timer. 1000 / 30 = 33. 33 is less than 55. You'll need to try switching to a different Timer. You have multiple choices.

Yes the animation freeze some times, i've tested with System.Threading.Timer.
I don't know if it is the best but it's smoother ^^ thank you

Now i am at 25FPS, with 22ms worker loop, and it's very smooth but higher CPU usage (arround 15%)
That might be good enough considering that movies traditionally are shown at 24 FPS.

Of course, if you are a gamer, then your standards might be a lot higher. :)
This should get you on the right path:
Matrix Rain:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MatrixRain
    class Program
            // fields
            static Random rand = new Random();

            // properties
            static char AsciiCharacter
                    int t = rand.Next(10);
                    if (t <= 2)
                        // returns a number
                        return (char)('0' + rand.Next(10));
                    else if (t <= 4)
                        // small letter
                        return (char)('a' + rand.Next(27));
                    else if (t <= 6)
                        // capital letter
                        return (char)('A' + rand.Next(27));
                        // any ascii character
                        return (char)(rand.Next(32, 255));

            // methods
            static void Main()
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
                Console.WindowLeft = Console.WindowTop = 0;
                Console.WindowHeight = Console.BufferHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight;
                Console.WindowWidth = Console.BufferWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth;
                Console.WriteLine("H1T 4NY K3Y T0 C0NT1NU3");
                Console.CursorVisible = false;

                int width, height;
                // setup array of starting y values
                int[] y;

                // width was 209, height was 81
                // setup the screen and initial conditions of y
                Initialize(out width, out height, out y);

                // do the Matrix effect
                // every loop all y's get incremented by 1
                while (true)
                    UpdateAllColumns(width, height, y);

        private static void UpdateAllColumns(int width, int height, int[] y)
            int x;
            // draws 3 characters in each x column each time...
            // a dark green, light green, and a space

            // y is the position on the screen
            // y[x] increments 1 each time so each loop does the same thing but down 1 y value
            for (x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                // the bright green character
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y[x]);

                // the dark green character -  2 positions above the bright green character
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
                int temp = y[x] - 2;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inScreenYPosition(temp, height));

                // the 'space' - 20 positions above the bright green character
                int temp1 = y[x] - 20;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(x, inScreenYPosition(temp1, height));
                Console.Write(' ');

                // increment y
                y[x] = inScreenYPosition(y[x] + 1, height);

            // F5 to reset, F11 to pause and unpause
            if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F5)
                    Initialize(out width, out height, out y);
                if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.F11)


        // Deals with what happens when y position is off screen
        public static int inScreenYPosition(int yPosition, int height)
            if (yPosition < 0)
                return yPosition + height;
            else if (yPosition < height)
                return yPosition;
                return 0;

        // only called once at the start
        private static void Initialize(out int width, out int height, out int[] y)
            height = Console.WindowHeight;
            width = Console.WindowWidth - 1;

            // 209 for me.. starting y positions of bright green characters
            y = new int[width];

            // loops 209 times for me
            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                // gets random number between 0 and 81
                y[x] = rand.Next(height);
@Rythorian: The OP is looking for a GDI solution and already knows how to the the animation. They want to know to improve performance in their solution.
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