
  1. SiamIT

    Question Create Installer For Excel VSTO Addin

    Greetings, i have created a excel (vsto) addin and it work fin on local computer. as i didn't have to anything.. just build and it comes to excel. but now i am confused how i can make a installer for the addin so that it can be installed on users end at ease without any user level interaction...
  2. A

    Looking for non-novice books

    Hi, new here. I am looking for english or swedish books mainly about C#. The topics im mostly interested in is OOP, Threading, CLI, WPF (code to controls with data/text), How and when to use unit testing. Would be nice to have stuff that as self-taught, get stuff pointed out "like this and this"...
  3. ahmedaziz

    Question How to allow cell on data table for edit and close after edit ?

    I work on asp.net razor page model . i face issue i can't edit datatable on same page by edit cell without redirect to another page I need to edit cell on same page my code details as below : public class UserModel { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }...
  4. H

    Question How to combine the C++ code with C# GUI?

    Hello, How can I combine the C++ code with C# GUI? For example, I want to have a C# window with a button on it and when I click on the button, then a message be shown with a C++ code. Any idea welcomed. Thank you.
  5. R

    How to check if the record exists with the same value in the database before insert

    Hello there, In my Blazor Server application, I am inserting a list of data into a database as follows with EF Core 6; public async Task AddStockAsync(List<GameBank> gameBank) { await _oyunPalasContext.GameBanks.AddRangeAsync(gameBank); await _oyunPalasContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } I...
  6. A

    Question converter does not exist?

    Hi I have all these classes in converter still I am getting this error It would be really helpful if you can tell me the cause behind this error as I checked everything and it is correct .
  7. A

    Resolved lots Name not exists errors

    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'CCspInformations' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Severity Code Description Project File Line...
  8. ahmedaziz

    Question Ajax request not return branches drop down List based on company drop down list selected value?

    I working on MVC razor page with .NET core 7 .I face issue Ajax request not return branches drop down list based on selected value from drop down list country . with another meaning I need cascade branch drop down list based on country drop down list by using ajax request . so data display...
  9. E

    C# change a 4 or 5 int number to cash value

    Good Afternoon, i have a text file that i parse the example is as shown below, 766,26/01/2021,16:51,6,3,2,Diesel,1249,15120,1888, 768,26/01/2021,17:33,5,1,1,Unleaded,1189,25230,3000, the end values so 1888 and 3000 are cash values there are a couple of transactions that are in the 100 mark...
  10. Semih

    getting the path of the output file

    Hi, I need to code a program that will archive every file output on a C# printer, but I couldn't find any library or resource that allows to get the path of the output file. How can I do that? For example, when a Word file is printed, the program will take the file path and make a copy of the...
  11. T

    Blazor MAUI blank screen on iOS

    I have a Blazor Hybrid MAUI App that works great on Android. However, when I compile my code (both from VS and from dotnet publish in Azure Pipeline) to iOS the app just shows my splash screen and then shows a blank white screen (both on Simulator and on physical iPhone) and nothing more...
  12. Edwin Klesman

    Tip A list of AI powered tools for C# Developers. What do you think?

    Hi all, Since ChatGPT kicked everyone into an AI era of asorts, I thought it would be fun to sum out some tools that are around to either: - make a developer more productive by speeding up repetitive tasks - act as a second pair of eyes - helps us by logically append our minds objectively...
  13. ahmedaziz

    Issue threading when run login identity on blazor server ?

    I working on blazor server . i get issue evaluation function required all threads to run i get this error when login on var resultIdentity = await signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(UserName, "xxxxx", false, false) it stop on this line and hang and stuck on debugging so what is issue and how...
  14. ahmedaziz

    Question How to modify action details to get data from another model ?

    I work on EF core 7 blazor . I face issue I can't call Details model from application page to get all Data for details model . meaning I need to display details data as list on application page where Header Id = 1 on action GetAllDetails. so when call Application/GetAllDetails I will get all...
  15. E

    Resolved the current .net sdk does not support the targeting .net 6.0

    Hello all, woke up this morning booted up my pc and got this error the current .net sdk does not support the targeting .net 6.0 i not made any changes to sdk it has taken me to this line of code, Trigger an error if targeting a higher version of .NET Core or .NET Standard than is...
  16. R

    Question Bulk Insert Problem - inserting excel data

    Hi there, In my Blazor Server application, I am trying to insert excel data into a SQL database table. I am getting this error, but couldn't figure out why. Here is the sample excel, I am trying to bulk insert. Here is the table; CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RazerReconciliation]( [PID]...
  17. SiamIT

    Question How To DEALLOCATE PREPARE Statement Using Mysql.Data Client?

    Greetings.. hope you guys are fine? OK.. i am using MySQL.Data client/library to access and use MySQL database. I was using happily it for sometimes on quite a few project. But suddenly facing a new issue that causing me hold on my current project. :( Because current project makes some (looks...
  18. SiamIT

    Resolved Fix 7zip.dll integration in C#

    i was trying/finding for a solution that i can use unzip/extract 7zip file natively in c#.. till now i was trying 7zdec.exe (console) application that i can invoke using process command. but it's not that user friendly as i need to track the progress properly on front end (my app/form/window)...
  19. SiamIT

    Question Showing Console Output On Label Is Not Working

    Greetings, i am just trying to show the console output to label text. but it's just not working.. i have tired hours and hours of this and that but none is working.. and now came here for support here is the code i have tried so far: private static void ExecuteCLI(string[] args...
  20. SiamIT

    Question Make A Windows Printer (Virtual Printer) Bluetooth Discoverable

    Greetings.. For a project, i need to make a virtual printer on windows to be discoverable by Bluetooth so that mobile device can connect to printer and print anything from their mobile. virtual printer, will save the print as a PDF file, and my application will do the post processing...
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