Question Player and picture boxes updating at different times


New member
Dec 22, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello fellow programmers,
why is my game updating at different times, even it shouldn´t?
Here´s the code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
        bool goLeft, goRight, jumping, isGameOver;

        int jumpSpeed;
        int force;
        int score = 0;
        int playerSpeed = 10;

        int horizontalSpeed = 1;
        int verticalSpeed = 1;

        int enemyOneSpeed = 1;
        int enemyTwoSpeed = 1;
        int enemyThreeSpeed = 1;

        public Form1()

        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                goLeft = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)
                goRight = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space && jumping == false)
                jumping = true;

        private void Form1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                goLeft = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right)
                goRight = false;
            if (jumping == true)
                jumping = false;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && isGameOver == true)

        private void MainGameTimerEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score;
            player.Top += jumpSpeed;

            if (goLeft == true)
                player.Left -= playerSpeed;
            if (goRight == true)
                player.Left += playerSpeed;
            if (jumping == true && force < 0)
                jumping = false;

            if (jumping == true)
                jumpSpeed = -8;
                force -= 1;
                jumpSpeed = 10;

            foreach (Control x in this.Controls)
                if (x is PictureBox)
                    if ((string)x.Tag == "platform")
                        if (player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(x.Bounds))
                            force = 8;
                            player.Top = x.Top - player.Height;

                            if ((string)x.Name == "horizontalPlatform" && goLeft == false || (string)x.Name == "horizontalPlatform" && goRight == false)
                                player.Left -= horizontalSpeed;

                    if ((string)x.Tag == "coin")
                        if (player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(x.Bounds) && x.Visible == true)
                            x.Visible = false;

                    if ((string)x.Tag == "enemy")
                        if (player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(x.Bounds))
                            isGameOver = true;
                            txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score + Environment.NewLine + "You were killed in your journey!";

                    horizontalPlatform.Left -= horizontalSpeed;
                    if (horizontalPlatform.Left < 10 || horizontalPlatform.Left + horizontalPlatform.Width > this.ClientSize.Width -10)
                        horizontalSpeed = -horizontalSpeed;

                    verticalPlatform.Top += verticalSpeed;

                    if (verticalPlatform.Top < 108 || verticalPlatform.Top > 390)
                        verticalSpeed = -verticalSpeed;

                    enemyOne.Left -= enemyOneSpeed;
                    if (enemyOne.Left < platform2.Left || enemyOne.Left + enemyOne.Width > platform2.Left + platform2.Width)
                        enemyOneSpeed = -enemyOneSpeed;

                    enemyTwo.Left += enemyTwoSpeed;
                    if (enemyTwo.Left < platform4.Left || enemyTwo.Left + enemyTwo.Width > platform4.Left + platform4.Width)
                        enemyTwoSpeed = -enemyTwoSpeed;

                    enemyThree.Left -= enemyThreeSpeed;                   
                    if (enemyThree.Left < horizontalPlatform.Left || enemyThree.Left + enemyThree.Width > horizontalPlatform.Left + horizontalPlatform.Width)
                        enemyThreeSpeed = -enemyThreeSpeed;

                    if (player.Top + player.Height > this.ClientSize.Height + 50)
                        isGameOver = true;
                        txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score + Environment.NewLine + "You fell to your death!";

                    if (player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(end.Bounds) && score == 9)
                        isGameOver = true;
                        txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score + Environment.NewLine + "You are one fucking mad man!";
                        txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score + Environment.NewLine + "Collect all coins!";


        private void RestartGame()
            jumping = false;
            goLeft = false;
            goRight = false;
            isGameOver = false;
            score = 0;
            txtScore.Text = "Score: " + score;

            foreach (Control x in this.Controls)
                if (x is PictureBox && x.Visible == false)
                    x.Visible = true;

            //player and enemies position reset
            player.Left = 55;
            player.Top = 441;

            enemyOne.Left = 695;
            enemyTwo.Left = 230;
            enemyThree.Left = 563;

            horizontalPlatform.Left = 480;
            verticalPlatform.Top = 390;

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Any changes you make of WinForms controls will take time for their corresponding Windows messages to get processed by the Windows message pump in your form. If you want all the changes to be rendered all at the same time, try invalidating the entire form, or better yet, take over the paint event and render everything at that time.
Any changes you make of WinForms controls will take time for their corresponding Windows messages to get processed by the Windows message pump in your form. If you want all the changes to be rendered all at the same time, try invalidating the entire form, or better yet, take over the paint event and render everything at that time.
I am sorry for my stupidity, but how exactly can I take over paint event?
Handle the paint event.
Sort of. That just tells the compiler what the shape of your paint event handler will look like.

Just like the way you registered for the timer event, you would register for the paint event of the form:
public Form1()
    this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Form_Paint)

void Form_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    // your form painting code here
Sort of. That just tells the compiler what the shape of your paint event handler will look like.

Just like the way you registered for the timer event, you would register for the paint event of the form:
public Form1()
    this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Form_Paint)

void Form_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    // your form painting code here
Thank you so much, you are the best

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